Uporabnik Pbutec pravi:
Ko sneži se ti vsake 3 kilometre ustavljaš in na roko odstranjuješ sneg?Citat:
Uporabnik maurice pravi:
Sneg je pametno z nečim drugim odstranit iz zadnje šipe in ne z brisalcem, ker lahko zlomiš brisalec
Skozi steklo imajo montirano samo os brisalca. Sam mehanizem z motorčkom se skriva v vratih prtljažnika. Kot je že bilo zgoraj rečeno, če se zadnje steklo ne odpira skupaj z prtljažnimi vrati, je zelo nepraktično namestiti zadnji brisalec. Samo zato ga nimajo, ni nobenega drugega razloga (kakor eni omenjajo neke aerodinamike in podobno).Citat:
Uporabnik stein pravi:
steklo nima veze, marsikateri kupe ima na steklo namontirano (malo poglejte avte okoli sebe, no)
There are a few reasons:
It is easier.
There is generally a blank space in the metalwork below the rear screen on a hatchback where a wiper spindle and motor could be attached. This is much easier (and cheaper) than mounting the spindle through a hole in the glass, which would be necessary in a booted saloon car. However, this is less of an issue now - glass manufacturers are getting better at putting holes in rear screens, and some manufacturers have have developed a method for fitting a wiper above the exposed metalwork, but below the glass, and making it look like it passes through the glass (e.g. Renault on the Clio II and Mégane II).
It is more necessary.
The airflow over the car's body at speed is dependent on the shape of the car. The shape of many hatchbacks and estates (wagons) causes a turbulent zone over the rear glass, so that spray from the road lands on the glass, hindering rear vision. Therefore a rear wiper is useful on wet roads, even if it is not actually raining. This is seldom an issue on a booted saloon.
Customers haven't bought them when offered.
When customers were offered rear wipers as options on hatchbacks and estates, so many took up the option that manufacturers quickly made them standard. When rear wipers have been offered on saloon cars (Mazda 323 in the mid-80s, Ford Orion and Fiat Tempra in the early 90s, Peugeot 306 Sedan in the mid-90s), so few customers bought the option that the manufacturers quietly stopped offering it.
Uporabnik tratnjak pravi:
jaz med samo voznjo ne potrebujem zadnjega brisalca, bi mi pa prisel prav, ko pridem v ulico, kr peljem 50m vzratno in se slabo vidi ven, ce dezuje ali pa snezi, sploh na koncu, ko je potrebno se malo manevrirat.
Uporabnik Utisevalec pravi:
Kdor v limuzini gleda skozi zadnje okno pri vožnji nazaj naj gre še enkrat v avtošolo (kolikor vem se vožnja vzvratno, tako da se obrneš "čez sedež" in gledaš nazaj NE tolerira). Večina takih vozil ima itak zadnjo šipo tako visoko da ne vidiš NIČ (sploh ne tistega kar bi moral pri vožnji nazaj), zaradi same postavitve (tam nekje na "sredini" vozila) pa tudi ne koristi kaj dosti.
Sicer pa a vas nič ne moti ker so stranske šipe brez brisalcev? Kako v križišču pogledate levo in desno ko je dež? Odprete šipo za lažji pregled? Namreč bočne šipe so ponavadi pa res polne kapljic in pa svinjarije ...