A to na Sinope, ker meni še vedno kar ne gre!
Ne na Sinope, v settings.
this is the settings for people who have same problem:
In the phone
1. account name-whatever you like
2. network name (SSID) - name you defined in your router setup (you get that name after scaning).
3. authentication - open
4. network mode - infrastructure (ad hoc is to pair two clients avoiding router e.g. P990 and a PC with wifi adapter which you don't need)
5. data encryption - WEP
6. default WEP key - 1
7. define WEP key - #1
8. WEP key type - HEX
9. enter 10 digits WEP key in appropriate field (10 digits that you entered in the router after chosen WEP 64bit HEX)
10. Find phone's MAC address
In the router setup
1. network name (SSID) - that name you will enter in position 2. above (in the phone)
2. authentication - open (same as on the phone)
3. data encryption - WEP 64bit, enter 10 HEX digit key in field #1
4. MAC filtering - enable. You will enter phone's MAC filter.
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