ko taki strah, saj pa baltik je v nato pa jih rus ni kihnil... naenkrat pa so solzni
ker so z gobcem opletali
ker so z gobcem opletali
Bolnica Jesen do Črnega jezera smo meli 3 žrtve v 9 razredu.Daj ti zdaj mulce spravi na tak pohod.. ni teorije. Bili so drugi časi, smo znali preživeti brez mobitelov in ostalega sranja.
Se že dela scenarij za film z naslovom "sovražnik iz cevi"430 men forced the entire enemy force of 7,000 men to flee in fear and panic... 430 people made history “The first 72 hours were the most difficult, a lot of painkillers were taken. My lungs were burning terribly and my head was aching. Then came the fever and tears... There were really some glitches there...” The Russian soldiers walked 15 kilometers 750 meters, crawled in a gas pipe to drive the enemy out of the Kursk region. The entire operation took a week: they walked for 2 days, sat in the pipe for 4 days (waited and took a break). Poisoned by methane, left with a minimum of food and water, our soldiers went behind enemy lines and struck. The enemy was caught off guard. The Ukrainian Armed Forces began throwing cassettes onto the pipe 30 minutes after landing. But the guys had already managed to enter the plantings. They consolidated their positions and caused panic among the enemy. The enemy panicked. They started to run. The Ukrainian Armed Forces fled to the destroyed bridge in Sudzha, abandoned their equipment and ran away on foot. Several hundred soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces, realizing that they were probably going one way, went forward. They did not flinch, some knew that they were already dead, but they kept going. Real warriors. All were poisoned, some were killed, but they accomplished their mission. Eternal pride: Aida Group Spetsnaz “Akhmat” 11th Brigade 30th Regiment ODShRB “Veterans” DSBR “Vostok” Marine Corps 106th Brigade
To je agenda, ki jo furajo Mirsi in še nekateri tukaj gor, dejansko po Miloševićem scenariju v 90tih...S tem zapisom boš (si) razrburkal jutro vsem srbofilom in kroatarjem.
Bolnica Jesen do Črnega jezera smo meli 3 žrtve v 9 razredu.
FOTO Ukrajinci su u Kursku ostavili dosta moćnog oružja. Rusi objavili slike
UKRAJINCI su prilikom povlačenja iz Kurska ostavili neka od svojih najmoćnijih oružja.www.index.hr
Zdej kaj pomeni nedotaknjen tank ali havbica?
Vzameš vn ali uničiš vse računalnike....al jih pa američan zakodira prek starlinka in ru§§u ostane samo železo za lonce...
No, tako se razmišlja, ampak naš lulek Kameleon je še daleč od tega..Odpelješ, razstaviš, pogledaš če je kaj tehnologije ki je še nimaš in greš v reverse enginnering, prihraniš leta in milijarde. Kako pa misliš da je iran prišel do dronov, ki jih imajo danes.
Iran–U.S. RQ-170 incident - Wikipedia
Mogoče jim pa na podlagi tega uspe Armate spravit ven iz experimentalne faze.....zna li se šta?No, tako se razmišlja, ampak naš lulek Kameleon je še daleč od tega..![]()