Fantje, dekleta in ostalih 82 spolov , RF lahko eu zradira v roku nekaj minut, tanki, vojaki in milijarde za obrambo gor ali dol.
Trenutno se kaže, da še domačih ciganov in puščavskih Ahmedov ne znamo ustaviti, spraviti v red, in bi se ratovanje z Rusi ?
Kdor ima to samomorilsko željo, vrata v ukr divizije so že sedaj odprta, kar pogumno pot pod noge !
Očitno se je mali zeleni goblin naspal, namreč ko je včeraj ? prišel ameriški finančni minister v Kijev, ga ni sprejel, je bojda spal.
Ni šala !
Evo citiram vam ukr pravdo, to je najbolj pošten in resnicoljuben novinarski portal, ki laže samo 1x na 1 milijon let
US President Donald Trump has claimed that his Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, was treated rudely during his visit to Kyiv last week.
US President Donald Trump has claimed that his Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, was treated rudely during his visit to Kyiv last week.
Source: Trump on board the presidential plane, quoted by
AP and reported by European Pravda
The US president said it had taken Bessent a long time to get to Kyiv, only for him to be told that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was asleep and unavailable for a meeting.
Quote from Trump: ""He [Bessent] travelled many hours on the train, which is a dangerous trip, and we're talking about the Secretary of the Treasury. He went there to get a document signed, and when he got there, he came back empty."
Details: Meanwhile, according to
CNN, Trump said that Bessent was treated "rather rudely" and that President Zelenskyy was supposedly unavailable for the meeting because he "was sleeping".
Quote from Trump: "Scott Bessent actually went there and was treated rather rudely, because essentially, they told him no and Zelenskyy was sleeping and unavailable to meet him."