Vojna v Ukrajini 2


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Lol, fuj pa zahodna propaganda, to je vse fake (by tvoj prijatelj mirsi).

Ja ok, potem pa iz vira tvojih priljubljenih:

Kaj si bos zdaj izmislil?


12. jul 2016
Ja ok, potem pa iz vira tvojih priljubljenih:

Fej pa ukrajinska propaganda, to je vse fake. Nabijajo cifre, da bi se smilili zahodu, da pošlje več orožja in mirsi ne bo imel za ogrevanje (by tvoj prijatelj mirsi).


24. jul 2007
Nekateri res ne zmorete pogledati resnici v oci. Zal.

Estimates give that as many as 60,000 rounds of artillery were fired by the Russian forces per day
:valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse:

Ta čalnek lepo opisuje nesposobnost Ruske vojske - topništva, in omenja da so izstreljevali do 60.000€ granat na dan, ampak da so izpraznili skladišča...

The Decline Of Russian Artillery In The Ukraine War

During the wider invasion of Ukraine that began last February, the Russian employment of artillery did not go as intended. Russian drones were inadequate for locating Ukrainian targets, and the communication networks were too unreliable for units to share information about the battlefield.

This overuse of artillery results in a number of issues. First, the high expenditure of rounds resulted in a staggering load on the Russian supply networks and logistic trains. Ukrainian reports claim that the Russians have depleted most of their artillery reserves.

Artillery at its most basic level requires three things: ammunition, cannons and soldiers to fire it. The Russians are quickly depleting their supply of all three.

Since the start of the invasion, very little has gone as planned for the Russian forces. The lack of training and experience, particularly by Russian officers, has led to the overuse of artillery. The Ukrainians have successfully exploited this issue, turning what should be a large Russian strength into one of their largest vulnerabilities.​



Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
:valjamse: :valjamse: :valjamse:

Ta čalnek lepo opisuje nesposobnost Ruske vojske - topništva, in omenja da so izstreljevali do 60.000€ granat na dan, ampak da so izpraznili skladišča...

The Decline Of Russian Artillery In The Ukraine War​

During the wider invasion of Ukraine that began last February, the Russian employment of artillery did not go as intended. Russian drones were inadequate for locating Ukrainian targets, and the communication networks were too unreliable for units to share information about the battlefield.​

This overuse of artillery results in a number of issues. First, the high expenditure of rounds resulted in a staggering load on the Russian supply networks and logistic trains. Ukrainian reports claim that the Russians have depleted most of their artillery reserves.​

Artillery at its most basic level requires three things: ammunition, cannons and soldiers to fire it. The Russians are quickly depleting their supply of all three.​

Since the start of the invasion, very little has gone as planned for the Russian forces. The lack of training and experience, particularly by Russian officers, has led to the overuse of artillery. The Ukrainians have successfully exploited this issue, turning what should be a large Russian strength into one of their largest vulnerabilities.​

So ja, izpraznili skladisca. Tako nekako kot jim je ze marca zmanjkalo vodenih izstrelkov?
2. okt 2007
bi lahko že vedeli, da vsi članki, ki jih berete/kopirate glede Ukrajinske vojne, so del ogromnega propagadnega stroja na obeh straneh, ali pro ukrajinski ali proruski. Tudi zahodni mediji so pod vplivo ukrajinske propagande, na koncu je še EU prepovedala proruske medije. Kot v N. Korea, kje samo en glas iz radia slišiš.
In ogromno novic, predvsem raznih twitter je ponovljenih, fake ali vzetih iz konteksta, ne glede na stran. YT je tudi poln raznih vojaškoh strategov ene in druge strani.


12. jul 2016
bi lahko že vedeli, da vsi članki, ki jih berete/kopirate glede Ukrajinske vojne, so del ogromnega propagadnega stroja na obeh straneh, ali pro ukrajinski ali proruski. Tudi zahodni mediji so pod vplivo ukrajinske propagande, na koncu je še EU prepovedala proruske medije. Kot v N. Korea, kje samo en glas iz radia slišiš.
In ogromno novic, predvsem raznih twitter je ponovljenih, fake ali vzetih iz konteksta, ne glede na stran. YT je tudi poln raznih vojaškoh strategov ene in druge strani.
Pa kljub temu limaš rusko propagando kot čisto resnico. Zanimivo. Enako si nalepil link do novice o 60.000 izstrelkih, kar je zate čista resnica, a zavračaš ostale stavke iste novice o praznih skladiščih (in, da praktično niso zadeli nič vojaškega). Kako dvolično, primerno za youtube ruskega vojaškega stratega.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: sad


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Enakemu številu ruskih tudi ne.

Spet krneki. Nic novega od tebe:

November 25, 2022
Since the first day of the war, the BBC Russian Service has been maintaining a list of casualties of Russian servicemen in Ukraine, together with the Mediazona publication (recognized in Russia as a “foreign media agent”) and a team of volunteers. As of November 25, we were able to confirm information about 9311 dead soldiers and officers.



13. dec 2015
A bejš no, kakšna vesoljska tehnologija pa je vgrajena v L2A4 ? ali pa abrams ki je svet ne pozna. In kaj bo ta tehnologija naredila proti protioklpnemu iztrelku?
Če uspe enim opankarjem s starimi ruskimi sistemu uničit abramse da ne govorim o leopardih v Siriji bo pa v ukrajini kaj drugače?

hehe iz video se komaj kaj vidi?

ps drugi video govorimo o tankih ti pa humvee na yt kažeš...
Ps noben ne reče da niso premgljivi... Statistično mi boš povedal koliko so iračani potovklil tankov amerikancov, boš pokazal še obratno..

mogoče mogoče ti kapne....

Vidim pence iz gobčka....


12. jul 2016
Spet krneki. Nic novega od tebe:

November 25, 2022
Since the first day of the war, the BBC Russian Service has been maintaining a list of casualties of Russian servicemen in Ukraine, together with the Mediazona publication (recognized in Russia as a “foreign media agent”) and a team of volunteers. As of November 25, we were able to confirm information about 9311 dead soldiers and officers.

Seveda, čisto res. 100%.


9. maj 2012
Spet krneki. Nic novega od tebe:

November 25, 2022
Since the first day of the war, the BBC Russian Service has been maintaining a list of casualties of Russian servicemen in Ukraine, together with the Mediazona publication (recognized in Russia as a “foreign media agent”) and a team of volunteers. As of November 25, we were able to confirm information about 9311 dead soldiers and officers.

Pa kolk imaš ti oprane možgane? BBC po ruski :D