Vojna v Ukrajini 2


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Enterprises are on the verge of closing

In Britain 60% of enterprises are on the verge of closing due to higher electricity prices. This is reported by the analytical group Make UK, representing the interests of British industry. 13% of British factories have reduced working hours and 7% are temporarily closing down. Electricity bills have risen by more than 100% compared to last year.

In Germany, according to the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, the number of firms and individuals went bankrupt in August alone rose 26% compared to the same period last year. The figure was significantly higher than German analysts had forecast. According to experts, during the autumn the number of bankruptcies will only increase. This is connected with the increase of the cost of production processes, in particular with the rise in prices for energy.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledged that many Germans have faced with rising prices for fuel and food. Most countries in Europe were in a similar situation. But the authorities are sacrificing the quality of people’s lives in order to continue to exert pressure on Russia.

The crisis is just ahead

At the same time, many experts believe the stopping of Nord Stream will cause Europe’s worst energy crisis in decades.

The increased cost of gas, heat and electricity has an adverse effect on the living standard of the people. But an even more dangerous problem is the falling liquidity of European products produced at the new cost of energy. European products are becoming uncompetitive on the world market: their price is much higher because of the cost of electricity and gas.
Nazadnje urejeno:
Kakšno alternativo pa ima evropa glede energentov?

Rusi so slabi OK, vse jasno. "Kaznovani" so pa državljani EU z ogromnimi položnicami za energente. Subvencije držav in dotiskovanje dodatnih € niso dobre ideje.

Kakšna je alternativa trenutno?

Ker na žalost marsikatero podjetje glih za glih plava oz ustavlja proizvodnjo. Tako pri nas kot širom EU. To daleč ne bo peljalo.

zakaj je EU nuklearke zapirala? se spomniš Grete in njenih veleumov in podobnih neumnosti? eto zaradi tekaih jajc smo kjer pač smo


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007

Enterprises are on the verge of closing

In Britain 60% of enterprises are on the verge of closing due to higher electricity prices. This is reported by the analytical group Make UK, representing the interests of British industry. 13% of British factories have reduced working hours and 7% are temporarily closing down. Electricity bills have risen by more than 100% compared to last year.

In Germany, according to the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, the number of firms and individuals went bankrupt in August alone rose 26% compared to the same period last year. The figure was significantly higher than German analysts had forecast. According to experts, during the autumn the number of bankruptcies will only increase. This is connected with the increase of the cost of production processes, in particular with the rise in prices for energy.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz acknowledged that many Germans have faced with rising prices for fuel and food. Most countries in Europe were in a similar situation. But the authorities are sacrificing the quality of people’s lives in order to continue to exert pressure on Russia.

The crisis is just ahead

At the same time, many experts believe the stopping of Nord Stream will cause Europe’s worst energy crisis in decades.

The increased cost of gas, heat and electricity has an adverse effect on the living standard of the people. But an even more dangerous problem is the falling liquidity of European products produced at the new cost of energy. European products are becoming uncompetitive on the world market: their price is much higher because of the cost of electricity and gas.

In kot sem ze omenil:

The crisis in Europe is a result of political mistake. On one hand, sanctions against Russia, are favorable only to the U.S. And on the other, the imposition of the post-hydrocarbon economy on Europeans has shown its insolvency.


13. sep 2007
Evo ga, vodja je spregovoril:

Putin orders 'partial mobilisation' in Ukraine

Mr Putin adds he "supports" people aiming to hold referendums in Russian-controlled parts of Ukraine.
"We will do all we can to ensure safe conditions for holding referendums," he says.
He goes on to order a "partial mobilisation" - saying a decree on this has already been signed.
"I stress it is partial mobilisation. Only those who are in reserve will be conscripted," he says.

Mr Putin says mobilisation events will begin today.

"I shall stress that Russian citizens called up as part of mobilisation will be given all the benefits of those serving under contract," he says.


12. jul 2016
Evo ga, vodja je spregovoril:

Putin orders 'partial mobilisation' in Ukraine

Mr Putin adds he "supports" people aiming to hold referendums in Russian-controlled parts of Ukraine.
"We will do all we can to ensure safe conditions for holding referendums," he says.
He goes on to order a "partial mobilisation" - saying a decree on this has already been signed.
"I stress it is partial mobilisation. Only those who are in reserve will be conscripted," he says.

Mr Putin says mobilisation events will begin today.

"I shall stress that Russian citizens called up as part of mobilisation will be given all the benefits of those serving under contract," he says.
Genialna poteza pute. Naredi fake referendume v zasedenih pokrajinah, kjer bo seveda izmišljenih 98% podpore rusiji. S tem dobiš "pravico" do pokrajine in, da jo braniš "svoje". Pa najbolje, da mobiliziraš voljan kanon futer kar iz teh pokrajin, saj poznajo teren, separatisti so že tam in jih bo veliko težje porinit ven. Ukrajinci bodo imeli delo z okrepitvijo novo osvojenega ozemlja, rusi se bodo z referendumi in mobilizacijo vkopali kjer so in to bo postalo izhodišče za pogovore o končanju vojne.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: jonny77


13. sep 2007
Zdaj je čas, da dobijo long range HIMARs rakete, da se bo lahko pucalo supply lines orožja, ostalo bodo že ukrajinci+postovoljci rešili.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Kamele0N

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Zdaj je čas, da dobijo long range HIMARs rakete, da se bo lahko pucalo supply lines orožja, ostalo bodo že ukrajinci+postovoljci rešili.

Ne vem če si razumel trenutno situacijo. Ukrajinci ne morejo nič več rešit. Game over. Ali se sprijaznijo, ali pa bo Ukrajina parkirišče.


13. sep 2007
Ne vem če si razumel trenutno situacijo. Ukrajinci ne morejo nič več rešit. Game over. Ali se sprijaznijo, ali pa bo Ukrajina parkirišče.
To je tako gargy, kot da imaš bullija ki te vsak dan jebe v šoli. Da bo mir, pa se zmeniš z njim, da te naj jebe samo v pon sre in pet, ostalo pa imaš mir.

Je to pravi način?


16. sep 2007
Genialna poteza pute. Naredi fake referendume v zasedenih pokrajinah, kjer bo seveda izmišljenih 98% podpore rusiji. S tem dobiš "pravico" do pokrajine in, da jo braniš "svoje". Pa najbolje, da mobiliziraš voljan kanon futer kar iz teh pokrajin, saj poznajo teren, separatisti so že tam in jih bo veliko težje porinit ven. Ukrajinci bodo imeli delo z okrepitvijo novo osvojenega ozemlja, rusi se bodo z referendumi in mobilizacijo vkopali kjer so in to bo postalo izhodišče za pogovore o končanju vojne.

Se strinjam, le da referendum ne bo fejk in tam živeči "rusi" niso separatisti.


13. dec 2015
Zdaj je čas, da dobijo long range HIMARs rakete, da se bo lahko pucalo supply lines orožja, ostalo bodo že ukrajinci+postovoljci rešili.
Glede nato da zabuhli napoveduje delno mobilizacijo, to pomeni vojno napoved. ZDA sedaj lahko pomaga z vsemi sredstvi Ukrajincem, saj Kmeri separatistom dajejo prav to.
- kopensko
- zračno
- pomorsko

podporo. Se pa strinjam long range bo za te abrveznike več kot dovolj....


13. sep 2007
Further details are emerging following Russian President Vladimir Putin's declaration of a "partial mobilisation" in Ukraine this morning.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said this will apply "to those with previous military experience" only.

This amounts to around 300,000 reserves, he added.

Mr Shoigu said people "will receive military training before being deployed", adding the mobilisation will not include "people who served as conscripts or students".

He added that Russia is fighting "not only Ukraine but the collective West."