Vojna v Ukrajini 2


13. sep 2007
A prosecutor in Ukraine has said that some bodies found at a mass burial site in Izyum show signs of torture.

  • Jezen sem
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30. jul 2022
Si kaj drugega pričakoval od rusov? :rolleyes: A niso rusi pripeljali krematorije v UA, da bi sproti počistili za sabo genocid?
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Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Si kaj drugega pričakoval od rusov? :rolleyes: A niso rusi pripeljali krematorije v UA, da bi sproti počistili za sabo genocid?

So ja... ampak se je izkazalo, da so to bile potujoče pekarne za kruh pečt :valjamse: :valjamse:

Rusi so takrat praznovali "uskrs" in po tradiciji (naj me kak pravoslavec dopolni/popravi) jedo nek poseben kruh in so jih v teh mobilnih pekarnah pekli... Folk pa še vedno sanja o krematorijih. Svašta...
  • Haha
Reactions: Kamele0N

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

V bistvu kar mene fascinira je to, da so recimo v Bosni rabili par let, da so odkrili množična grobišča, v primeru WW2 celo desetletja, superjunaki AFU pa najdejo to v dnevu ali dveh...
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2. mar 2010
Večina prebivalcev Slovenske republike podpira Ruse za zmago

More than half of Slovaks would welcome a military victory of Russia over Ukraine, a new survey published on Wednesday has found

Moram priznati, da te situacije z grobiščem popolnoma ne razumem. Če so bile to žrtve ruskega obstreljevanja, potem je do njih prišlo preden so Rusi zasedli mesto in očitno Ukrajinci ob umiku iz Izjuma teh žrtev še niso pokopali in so jih pokopali Rusi. Če je do teh žrtev prišlo po ruski zasedbi mesta in so resnično žrtve obstreljevanja, potem so to očitno žrtve ukrajinskega obstreljevanja, razen če so Rusi spet obstreljevali same sebe.

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Kako EU drži "štango" Ukrajini in si zatiska oči pred njenim evidentnim kršenjem vseh etičnih in moralnih vrednot:

Despite many complaints, appeals and critiques, the infamous Ukrainian website “Myrotvorets” remains active on the internet. The site exposes the personal data of thousands of people considered enemies by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime, making it the largest public kill-list ever witnessed. The most terrible point of this situation is that hundreds of ethnic Russian children are included in this list. Russian diplomats demand a position on the part of UNICEF on the matter, but international organizations remain silent.

However, what is most shocking in this issue is the presence of children on this list. The Ukrainian government and its allied neo-Nazi organizations do not seem to distinguish who actually poses a threat to the Maidan’s political regime and who does not. For them, everyone who opposes the government and publicly expresses their critical opinions must be exterminated, even innocent civilians and children. According to a recent data survey by journalist Mira Terada, at least 327 children would have had their personal data exposed by Myrotvorets. Considering that Ukrainian forces really try to kill those on this list, the lives of these children are in danger.

Investigations into this topic increased after Faina Savekova, a 12-year-old girl from Lugansk, was added to the list for posting letters on the internet expressing pride for the Russian identity of her people and criticism against the current Ukrainian policies in her region. After her data was exposed, Faina asked the UN for help, even writing letters to the Secretary General, which were never answered. UNICEF, which would be the UN office responsible for caring for children, also remained silent, showing the omission of international organizations in the face of the serious Ukrainian problem. Currently, we know that Faina is just one of hundreds of children in the kill-list, but that has not changed the international silence.

Pa še link za vse nejeverneže, mislim, da bosta 8888 in endvatri z užitkom brskala po straneh.... fap fap fap
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: AndY1

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Kako pa več, da čez deset let in več ne bodo našli več takšnih grobišč? To kar zdaj najdejo je morda samo slabo prikrito.

Čisto možno. Pa vendar, sredi ofenzive oni žličkajo po tleh. povsem enaki scenarij v Buči... Pa mislim, da jih je blo še nekaj... V Severodonetsku so tudi pobijanje pravoslavnih duhovnikov želeli naprtiti Rusiji, MSM in EU v luft, pol pa se izkaže, da jih je pobila AFU, pa lepo vse pod preprogico... Malo se ponavljajo, pač postavlja verodostojnost pod vprašaj. Ampak, kot je že darjan rekel - "with all means necessary"
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Reactions: AndY1 in Ytbnd

Izbrisan uporabnik 474

Saj si se lepo zlagal češ da nisi našel časa odgovarjati. Ampak resnica je da se ti je svet začel podirati. Še Rus prizna da je nato orožje boljše

Mislim, da je zelo neprimerno, da nekoga obtožuješ laganja. Če ne verjameš, vljudno vabljen v naše podjetje, dobiš izpiske delovnih ur, kraj dela, podjetje, dnevnice, v katerem hotelu sem bil itd. Lahko tudi preveriš kakovost interneta v dotičnem hotelu in ugotoviš, zakaj sem sploh bil dobesedno odrezan od interneta. Vendar pa če se izkaže, da se nisem zlagal, se boš globoko opravičil za vse tvoje neumnosti za naprej in za nazaj...

Mislim, eni res živite v nekem svojem svetu...


13. sep 2007
V svojem, kot putin?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he wants the war in Ukraine to end "as soon as possible".

He made the comment on the sidelines of a summit in Uzbekistan, during talks with Indian prime minister Narendra Modi.


2. mar 2010

Ukr best budiji #za dom spremni, #gliha skup štrika

Ukr se bodo učili od HR BBB - HH pozdrava, kako se pozdravi masovno sredi mesta, ne nekje posamično v gmajni


Občinsko redarstvo v Ukr

◾Grandma's eighty years old. She has nothing to buy bread with”: Ukrainian municipal police confiscated the vegetables a pensioner was selling on the street.


Ukr tovarna fake novic

◾From the producers of the "Ghost of Kiev" and "snake island martyrs" I bring you the super Belarusian mercenaries.

◾Someone was watching Robocop and something clicked on the brain. RoboUkrop, a tank drove over his head but survived and even went back to fight after recovery!
Nazadnje urejeno:


2. mar 2010
Video iz telegrapha:

◾A new provocation it's been prepared in Izyum.

◾This morning Western media The Telegraph, present on the scene, released a video talks about 30 or maybe 50 bodies in a mass grave in Izyum.

◾In the other hand Ukrainian telegram channels have been talking about 500 bodies while some Western sources claim already there is 1000 bodies.

◾As shown in previous posts, the graves are marked with mitary numbers or even full IDs of the Ukrainian corpses abandoned by the Neo Nazis many weeks ago in the first battle for Izyum.

◾As it happened in Bucha, no forensic teams will participate in the investigation of this alleged massacre, and no UN investigation will take place either.

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