"Destroying the country's energy system is a legitimate military necessity" NATO press secretary Jamie Shea said in 1999 during the attacks on Yugoslavia.
"And if at the same time the civilian population suffers, then this is solely the fault of the country's leadership." Washington Post
Ko bodo na vrsti 750 kV sistemi distribucije, potem bo game over z elektro sistemom.
o opravičevanju vojaške "intervencije"
The justification given for the invasion of Yugoslavia aka Serbia, was a massacre of 2.000 Kosovars allegedly by Serb forces, an event which came in handy for employing the new NATO ‘right to invade’ doctrine promoted by leftist neoliberal media The Guardian, “humanitarian intervention”. Just two things, first, the massacre happened AFTER the invasion and bombing had already taken place. Two. What constitutes a massacre? Apparently, the slaughter of 70.000 Kurds by NATO member Turkey happening at the same time, was not deemed worthy of being called a massacre warranting “humanitarian intervention”. In fact it barely made the inside pages of our trusty newspapers. The Kosovars were trained and funded by the British. A mere anecdote to be sure.
btw, od oktobra IDF teroristi in settlerji okupatorji tolčejo Palestince po Gazi in Zahodnem bregu (kjer ni Hamasa).
Kdaj bo Nato ponovil intervencijo ?
tam nikoli. tokrat pobijajo in umirajo tapravi.
zdele se spet lepo kaze vsa dvolicnost zahoda in NATA.