Vojna v Ukrajini 2


30. jul 2022
Mogoče so se zmotili in hoteli napisat da popijejo več, morda jajčnega likerja?


To je zahodna propaganda, daj drugič preveri vire! :evil:


Da je pasji priboljšek ceneje kot 1 jajca, potem je res neki v p***** :fredi:


30. jul 2022
Republikanc Mike Rogers.


- Appeasing dictators won’t work – Republicans need to fight back against this administration’s failing policies vis-à-vis Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Russia’s war of aggression - the largest land invasion in Europe since the Second World War - is eerily reminiscent of Poland of 1939. At the same time, we are seeing rising hostilities in the Indo-Pacific by Chairman Xi. And now we are facing a full scale war in the Middle East that threatens to destabilize the entire region.

- A path to victory for Ukraine will require (1) providing critical weapons to Ukraine at the speed of relevance, (2) tightening sanctions on the Putin regime, and (3) transferring frozen Russian sovereign assets to Ukraine. - As of November 2023, the Inspectors General of the DoD, State, and USAID have not identified any significant diversion, theft, or misuse of U.S. assistance to Ukraine.

There are 96 ongoing or planned audits and reports by the IGs of more than 20 different agencies, as well as the Government Accountability Office (GAO), to monitor, audit, and evaluate activities related to the Ukraine response. 39 have been completed. Details are publicly available on their websites. - Since the first day of the war, Biden’s debilitating hesitation to provide critical weapons to Ukraine has delayed a Ukrainian victory. Ukraine needs the longest-range variant of ATACMS, F-16s, and sufficient quantities of cluster munitions, artillery, air defenses, and armor to make a difference on the battlefield. This delay is costing Ukrainian lives and the American taxpayer.



YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008


30. jul 2022

Tankov imajo za celo leto 2024, za 2025 se bo pa videlo. Vsega ne bodo poslali v UA, morajo imeti tudi v RU kaj pripravljeno, če pride do česa doma.

Imajo pa velike probleme pri izdelavi tankov, specializirano osebje ki je delalo 10-20 let v teh proizvodnjah, je moralo na fronto in se niso več vrnili, dobri šolani inženirji so zapustili RU pri prvi mobilizaciji oz. na začetku vojne. Če hočeš imeti kvaliteto, moraš imeti dobro šolane delavce.

Jaz pa razumem kot da si prej še jajc niso mogli kupiti, sedaj ko ne morejo kupiti zahodnih dobrin pa jim ostaja denar za nakup jajc

Srečo imajo, da lahko kruh in jajce vzameš na obroke!

Novinar iz RU

Tomatoes - 1600rub(18$) per kilogram
Pepper - 1350 rub(15$)

Tangerines - 1400(16$)

While Putin is saying that we have overtaken Germany in the economy, I looked at salaries in Anadyr.

A paramedic can receive 60.000rubles(678$). Manager at Megafon - 50.000 ruble(565$)

To work for Russian Post - from 50.000 to 59.000 rubles(565-666$)

The average pension is 31,813 rubles (360$). By the way, in Germany the average pension is 1,538 euros (149,238 rubles).

Wow, we defeated Germany!



30. jul 2022
Topla voda jim pred nosom odteka v potokih po ulicah, ljudje pa zmrzujejo pri -30 (bo menda to noč v Moskvi). Ker ni ogrevanja, so cevi tudi po stanovanjih popokale. Zelo hudo se jim piše to zimo. Putka bo uničil svoj lasten narod, ne rabijo Ukrajinci nič povračilno bombardirat.

Takšne krize niso imeli od razpada SZ, tudi vlagali niso kaj velik cevovode, zdaj pa poka vse po vrsti. Se pa ne dogaja to samo okrog Moskve, vsaj tako pišejo na RU Telegram kanalih.

Zdaj je idealna priložnost za UA, da pokne po trafo-postajah, da še elektriko ugasnejo.

To je pa bilo nekam hitro, bogi Orban :evil:

Member of the European Parliament from Finland collected the necessary 120 signatures for a petition to deprive Hungary of the right to vote in the Council of the European Union.