Uporabnik darko11 pravi:
Mogoce poskusi kaksne druge gonilnike.
Za HP LaserJet nisem niti priblizno nasel Vistinih gonilnikov za to druzino printerjev. In sem pac probal ene za kao XP, pa dela.
Kr HP ima na strani:
HP is committed to providing the best experience for HP products in the Windows Vista operating environment.
Today, a solution for your product is not available in Microsoft’s Windows Vista. Some drivers will be available as early as January 2007. HP expects to complete the certification process for applicable drivers by July 2007. Drivers will be posted as they are completed.
Za nekatere printerje pise, da gonilnikov za Visto sploh ne bo. Full me je presenetil tak odnos ene resne firme - ces kupili ste nas printer, kdo vam je kriv.
Naredi si image in preprobaj vec gonilnikov. Se vedno lahko pol povrnes cist sistem.
Je pa glede na sedanje cene kljuckov mogoce skoda cajta za tole in kr kupis takega, ki dela na Visti, tako kot mozak pred mano predlaga...