Uporabnik buce pravi:
Uporabnik brunobruno pravi:
Še en, ki je preveč brihtolov pojedel?
Uradna znanost, ne priznava tvoje DEJSTVO! Dejstvo je edino tako, da imaš lahko splav takrat kot piše v zakonu in ne tvoje dejstvo!
Septembra 1939 so v 3. rajhu sprejeli zakon imenovan: Aktion T4
Po tem zakonu so lepo pobijali mentalno prizadete osebe...
sej to praviš, ane? da je zakon nad vsem... ja?
Glede uradne znanosti pa:
DOKAZANO je, da v trenutku SPOČETJA (če ne veš kaj to je, si preberi) nastane NOV niz kromosomov. Ta niz ni niti od očeta, niti od matere! Ta niz je novo potencialno življenje. Od tu naprej se pa samo še razvija.
V sloveniji se umori otroka, ki že ima vse vitalne organe in ti organi že funkcionirajo; formirajo se mu kosti, sklepi rok že funkcionirajo. Pojavljajo se prvi nohtki na rokah in lahko celo laski...
Pameten si ko
Instructions for Development and Heredity are all in the Fertilised egg. The view that we are genetically determined by the combination of parental DNA has been shown to fall far short of the complete story. How the DNA is interpreted can vary greatly affected by things such as the maternal diet. Similarly some development requires certain bacteria to be present. Thirdly, and most surprisingly, the level of maternal care can determine which areas of DNA are 'methylated' which radically alters how they are interpreted. As such the view that we are 'complete but unformed' at conception is far from accurate.
The Embryo is Safe Within the Womb. Modern research shows that 30% or fewer fertilised eggs will go on to become fetuses. Many of these early miscarriages are because of abnormal numbers of chromosomes. The view that every fertilised egg is a potential human being is wrong in around 70% of cases.
There is a Moment of Fertilisation when the passive egg receives the active sperm. Again recent research has shown that the previous commonly held view that the fastest sperm races towards the egg and, bingo, we're up and running is wrong on many levels. Fertilisation is a process taking up to four days. As such there is no magic moment; rather there is a process.[citation needed]
There is consensus amongst scientists that life begins at conception. There isn't even consensus amongst scientists as to whether there's consensus. However, Scott Gilbert's paper lists embryologists who support each of the major viewpoints belying the common and oft repeated assertion that there is consensus amongst embryologists, let alone scientists.
Those searching for the "golden moment" point to the block on polyspermy. A recent study (2012) completed by the Mio Fertility Clinic in Japan, has shown that egg activation (i.e. the mechanism that blocks polyspermy) occurs in as little as ten seconds after the first sperm has penetrated the egg.[1] Because this change is so dramatic and rapid, and since it happens at the precise moment that the fertilisation process begins then, if you follow the genetic argument, this is the moment at which life begins.
Skratka, ni konsenza kdaj se življenje začne, ti pa že s svojimi umotvornimi DEJSTVI? Zanimivo...