In this 2016 election, at one stage there were 10 governors or former governors and 10 who are or were senators, although many have since dropped out.
The Republican and Democratic parties nominate one person each to represent them in the election.
Uporabnik bizi pravi:
Pa saj so te ameriške volitve pravi posmeh demokraciji. Tisti njihov volilni strojček se da menda shekati v nekaj sekundah, pa tudi brez hekanja menda velikokrat pritisneš na ime enega kandidata, glas gre pa drugemu.
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
In this 2016 election, at one stage there were 10 governors or former governors and 10 who are or were senators, although many have since dropped out.
The Republican and Democratic parties nominate one person each to represent them in the election.
Izbira kandidata pri obeh strankah je interna stvar strank, nato od teh dveh izbranih vsi volilci ZDA izberejo enega.
Poleg predsedniških potekajo tudi volitve v senat in predstavniški dom.