#1 SID: No SID (response by dispatcher= Please ma'am, go ahead and fill it in yourself)
#2 Alternate: "I pointed out several times that an additional alternate was needed other than SKBO" (response by dispatcher=Leave it like that, that's what my Captain said so leave it like that ma'am)
#3 Range: ETE is the same as the fuel endurance. Conversation as follows:
Dispatcher: That's what it is, that's what they told me and that's what the Captain said.
Agent: That's incorrect, check into it and correct the flight plan.
Dispatcher: That's what it is ma'am. Those are the numbers they've given me for the flight plan.
Agent: But the ETE and the range are the same, you guys made a mistake and don't want to correct it.
Dispatcher: No ma'am, that range is what they've given me, we have enough.
Agent: No it isn't, because it's the same as the estimated time en route.
Dispatcher: Yes, this is how I'm showing it. We'll do it [the flight] in less time, don't worry about it, this is it. Take it easy, it's all good, leave it as it is.
Agent: No further argument following the stubornness displayed by the flight dispatcher.
#4 Flight dispatcher name: Name missing, only signature shown.
Further comments by the agent:
-Following these and other observations, the dispatcher left. I told him if any revisions were made to the flight plan, in particular 2 of the remarks (alternate and fuel endurance), to bring a revised flight plan when he returned to pick up the weather folder and NOTAM info.
-He returned about 30 minutes later to pick up all the flight information and pointed out that there were no changes made to the flight plan.
-To this reply, I made my displeasure known and told him that too frequently flight dispatchers do not take our comments seriously.