Strmoglavilo letalo z nogometaši


27. feb 2013
Uporabnik Pametni pravi:
Na forumu so izračunali, da bi, če bi direktno in takoj pristal na destinaciji brez vsakega čakanja, imel še za ca. 10 min. goriva rezerve, kar je seveda pod vsemi predpisanimi minimumi. S takšnim idealnim scenarijem je očitno računal, a se ni izšlo. Namreč moral je 15 minut krožiti in čakati na pristanek in to ga je očitno neslo. Še vedno bi se izšlo, če bi takoj ob približevanju prijavil "fuel emergency" in bi mu dali prednost, vendar bi ga v tem primeru čakala kazen zaradi letenja s premajhno količino goriva in je pač hotel to dejstvo zamolčati. Uštel se je v svojih kalkulacijah oziroma bolje rečeno, hazardiral je. Vprašanje je samo, koliko je to stalna praksa v tistih krajih ali morda še kje drugje.
kaj pa veter? kako je računal? brezvetrje?


2. maj 2016
Bolivijski mediji so objavili Flight plan.

Zanimiv detajl: Predvideni čas poleta: 4h 22min, avtonomija letala: 4h 22min.

Bolivijski pristojni organ je imel na načrt poleta kup pripomb in ga je ZAVRNIL. Pilot je kljub temu poletel. Bil je v ilegali že ob pushbacku.

Prevod pripomb agenta, ki je sprejel načrt poleta (na linkani sliki so na dnu v originalu):


#1 SID: No SID (response by dispatcher= Please ma'am, go ahead and fill it in yourself)

#2 Alternate: "I pointed out several times that an additional alternate was needed other than SKBO" (response by dispatcher=Leave it like that, that's what my Captain said so leave it like that ma'am)

#3 Range: ETE is the same as the fuel endurance. Conversation as follows:

Dispatcher: That's what it is, that's what they told me and that's what the Captain said.

Agent: That's incorrect, check into it and correct the flight plan.

Dispatcher: That's what it is ma'am. Those are the numbers they've given me for the flight plan.

Agent: But the ETE and the range are the same, you guys made a mistake and don't want to correct it.

Dispatcher: No ma'am, that range is what they've given me, we have enough.

Agent: No it isn't, because it's the same as the estimated time en route.

Dispatcher: Yes, this is how I'm showing it. We'll do it [the flight] in less time, don't worry about it, this is it. Take it easy, it's all good, leave it as it is.

Agent: No further argument following the stubornness displayed by the flight dispatcher.

#4 Flight dispatcher name: Name missing, only signature shown.

Further comments by the agent:
-Following these and other observations, the dispatcher left. I told him if any revisions were made to the flight plan, in particular 2 of the remarks (alternate and fuel endurance), to bring a revised flight plan when he returned to pick up the weather folder and NOTAM info.
-He returned about 30 minutes later to pick up all the flight information and pointed out that there were no changes made to the flight plan.
-To this reply, I made my displeasure known and told him that too frequently flight dispatchers do not take our comments seriously.
Vir prevoda


3. sep 2007
povsod malo
Uporabnik Pametni pravi:
Uporabnik Hanzi pravi:
Enkrat pa mislim da je bila celo fora v galonih in litrih. naročili galone, dobili pa litre.
Ja, v Kanadi, ko so ravno prehajali na metrični sistem: Gimli Glider . Ampak se je čudežno srečno končalo, saj so uspeli "jadrati" in pristati na opuščenem letališču. Uspelo pa je samo zato, ker je pilot bil bivši vojaški pilot in je npr. za hitro spuščanje na pravo višino uporabil manevre, ki jih kakšno potniško latalo še videlo ni. Imeli so ogromno srečo.
Ta je pa jadral 120 km


1. feb 2008
In summary it can be said, that flights from Santa Cruz (VVI) to Medellin (MDE) or Bogota (BOG) could not have been planned legally, even if the aircraft was equipped with pannier tanks. Even in optimistic computations the computed trip fuel alone, without any taxi, contingency, diversion or reserve fuel, would have exceeded the standard fuel tank capacity (9362kg).

The dispatcher computed three different flight plans, see in detail at the PDF:

Santa Cruz-Medellin Alternate Bogota with no payload: Trip Fuel 8,660kg, Release Fuel 11,838kg
Santa Cruz-Medellin Alternate Bogota optimistic weights: Trip Fuel 9,380kg, Release Fuel 12,461kg
Santa Cruz-Bogota Alternate Medellin optimistic weights: Trip Fuel 9,260kg, Release Fuel 12,578kg


2. maj 2016
The drama post LAMIA crash continues to unfold; the plot gets thicker:

1. Ms.Celia Castedo, the Bolivian dispatcher at VVI fled to Brazil last night and has asked for political asylum:

2. LAMIA's Captain Quiroga had a warrant for his arrest in Bolivia; he was wanted on charges of leaving the Air Force too early in his career and thus, owed money back to the govenment spent on his flight training.

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