Slovensko sodstvo


20. jul 2007
Evo ti dam del citata moje komunikacije z Avstrijo:

This looks like planned torture and murder attempt?. Reason: Discrimination

Malo vsebine:

This looks like planned (2019) torture and murder attempt by AUVA. Reason: discrimination. Carried out in September of 2020 by Andrea H. in station 6 of UKH Graz.


Let us return back to 18 of November of 2019:

See that day I was at AUVA (UKH Graz place, around 10:10) because I need to report the work accident (that happened on 3.9.2019) in LKH Graz since everyone forgot to do it. And the worker there wasn’t so happy about my Austrian employer when I showed her the email with an attachment (SCP unterweisung. I didn’t know what the attachment was but she did and told me that my Austrian employer is responsible for work accident. This is the same info I managed to get out of AK (Arbeitskammer). Then she sends me to the Police (Police station: Polizeiinspektion Graz-Riesplatz 18.11.2019 should be around 11:30


The torture and murder attempt were reported to Austrian authorities’ multiple times from September . Should be kind easy for “Austrian authorities” to connect those two events?
But since the Austrian police cannot find the main Austrian prosecutor.
Its strange to say at least…



When you put all of the events together.
Looks like well-planned organized actions against foreigners.
It would be very strange for so many coincidences to happen and I can put them all together…

Does somebody miss that famous Austrian who went on vacation all across Europe.
What was his favorite quote. Something about the lines:
Work is free.

But I guess not many in Austrians know what really goes on.


Komu sem poslal:, PatientInnen- und Pflegeombudsschaft <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Odgovorov od njih pa več ni odkar so ugotovili da imam posnetke in dokaze, ki potrjujejo mojo zgodbo. In postavljajo na laž lepo število "Avstrijskih ustanov"...

Dokler so mislili da nimam posnetkov so bili kar lapasti od tedaj pa več nič od njih...
Evo še mal veselice:

Does Austrian police or anyone involved actually know what to do when a foreigner reports a torture and murder attempt?
Do you even know the dates and how many times I reported that?
What UKH Graz Qualitimanagment thinks about it... We already know from the recordings...

AUVA cannot save you there. AUVA "forgot" to tell you that I was denied a water, doctor, medicine, etc... inside of UKH Graz hospital.
I requested water, doctor and medicine every day from the first day of my stay there. But was denied for each of them until it was to late.
Basically, AUVA don’t have any idea what happened to me. So, it could be very interesting to
find out what kind of imaginary things they wrote in my medical report.

Še malo komentarja na delovanje Avstrijskega sodišča (S to zadevo namreč prikrivajo dejanja iz naslova...):

"And then we have an interesting court case where you used a drunk medical expert to write an opinion on me out of thin air.
Well, he wrote some lines on my leg in the last appointment but from that you cannot tell what’s wrong with a man’s knee.
Not to mention his opinion is so far off from others that’s it’s like day and night."

Why do you even have hospitals for foreigners?
Just hire some people call them “medical experts" give them a bottle of alcohol and a marker. So, they can write some bullshit.
lawyers that don’t translate them real things and be quiet to every foreigners questions.

Austrian courts seem to be very happy with such a kind of "experts" and lawyers.

Could be interesting to know if Austrian court really does not have time to hear my side of the story with the recordings and for
my questions...

I wonder what the answers for my demands on postponing the date of trial due to medical situations were...

What happened to all the complains I had about the "medical experts" happened...

Apparently court will start the trial from the beginning I was told. Like a week ago one of Austrian lawyers told me something very different.
About the case. But still due to language barrier I could not found out more.


All hidden behind language barrier. Which you so kindly abuse.

And then we have the abuse of Slovenian Fictional delivery system so I was denied an appeal.

How many times I requested the information about delivery of court papers? I think it was almost every month. Got only one answer..."

Pa gremo še dalje:

In case you forgotten I’m a resident of an EU member state. EU has some laws in place. You already managed to broke almost half of them:


Maybe we should go to the Constitution of Austria and start counting the violations there...

In Slovenia we speak Slovenian language"


I would compare this to Auschwitz but how much I know the prisoners there had acces to water which I did not.
And in Hell there isn’t any water. Thats one of the reason I call the place Hell on Earth.

Not to mention constant abusing of language barrier, therefore hiding the facts and making whole situation even worse.

You think your torture and murder attempt will be forgotten - dream on. It will only get worse for you.""


Verjami da mene nočeš v bližini sodišča ko sem zdrav. Ker ti bo žal da si se naučil brati in pisati.

Pa še malo komunikacije z varuhom človekovih pravic v Avstriji:

I still want an answer to this and 3 other questions that you own me.

And here is another question.
We already know they have reports about the "accident". They admitted multiple times that they wrote it.

But in the time from accident till today. No one even asked me about what happened in my language (Slovenian). In fact no one even asked about anything. But they still managed to write an report on it.
How do you write an report without that kind of information in the first place ?"


11. sep 2007
Natašo Puhasto Musar sem poslušal in si mislil, če vsi našisti tako delate bom pa še jaz.
Potem pa na ples.

hahaha, bedak.

a ne ves, da si mores najprej teren pripravit, preden zacnes goljufat in mutit? ti naivnez si pa na sveze zacel na hard pa mislil, da bo slo kar tako skozi...

jok brate, odpade!

"našist" ni vsak, ki obkrozi levo opcijo na volitvah. je treba se malo vec truda.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: jest5


8. jul 2023
hahaha, bedak.

a ne ves, da si mores najprej teren pripravit, preden zacnes goljufat in mutit? ti naivnez si pa na sveze zacel na hard pa mislil, da bo slo kar tako skozi...

jok brate, odpade!

"našist" ni vsak, ki obkrozi levo opcijo na volitvah. je treba se malo vec truda.
Poslušaj našist, če ti mutiš in goljufaš so to vaša levičarska umazana posla.
Jaz nisem nič goljufal! Jasno!
Kdo pa še te obkroži levo opcijo razen tistih ki bi si radi prisvojili nekaj kar so drugi prislužili?


6. sep 2007
Evo ti slovensko sodstvo pa vikend zapore. Še dobro da bodo sedaj Avstrijci red naredili tako kot se mora.



11. sep 2007
Fantje s Kloja/Gnoja, res mi ne rabite na privat grozit s tožbo in da bom banan.
Sam se umikam.
Materiala za magistrsko je prek zadosti. Vaša imena pa bodo spremenjena, ne se bat.
Lahko pa šefom rečete za povišico.

paranoja na vrhuncu, a ne!

dej povej... ce si delal tako kot natasa, in trdis, da si delal posteno.... torej...