Oktobra je satelitu nad S. Korejo zelo verjetno uspelo posnet množično eksekucijo. S 6imi 4-cevnimi protiletalskimi mitraljezi kalibra 14.5 mm.

One of the most long-standing execution rumors, however, has been that North Korea had used unconventional and extremely powerful weapons, such as mortar rounds, to kill high-ranking officials. Over the years, a number of North Korean analysts questioned whether North Korea, for all its cruelty, would really use such a needlessly destructive and absurdly impractical method for executions.
Now, satellite imagery appears to show that these absurd execution methods may be true.
Images released by the U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea this week appears to show several individuals standing in front of anti-aircraft machine guns at a military training area 13 miles north of Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, around Oct. 7, 2014.
It appears, though it cannot be confirmed, that these people are being executed.
According to Greg Scarlatoiu and Joseph Bermudez Jr., the authors of HRNK's report, the the antiaircraft guns in the picture appear to be six ZPU-4s, Soviet-made heavy weaponry first used during the Korean war. They are positioned about 100 feet (30 metrov) from the standing figures. A few feet behind the antiaircraft guns, there appear to be a line of troops and/or equipment, the report notes, with buses and trucks at the site suggesting that people had been bused in to watch whatever was happening.
