Rusi v Siriji


10. maj 2014
Bwaa, zdajle vidim pri 1. video Irak.

Zgleda se v Siriji pač še ni poklopilo.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
British Brimstone missiles in Syria are yet to kill any terrorists, MoD reveals

Britain’s sophisticated air-to-surface Brimstone missiles have not killed any terrorists in Syria so far, although at least nine missiles have been fired. A single missile using radar homing and laser guidance technology costs £100,000.

According to MoD information, between December 2, 2015 and January 29, 2016, RAF airstrikes in Syria have managed to deplete IS manpower by just seven combatants. Two jihadists were killed with Paveway IV laser-guided bombs (US$20,000 each) and five were killed by US-made Hellfire missiles ($70,000 apiece) fired from Reaper UAVs.


22. apr 2008
Heh čista so ruski posnetki. S tistimi kvadratki so zakrili cirilico
Nazadnje urejeno:


10. maj 2014
Še enkrat, videi so z URADNEGA youtube kanala britanskega ministrstva za obrambo.

S kvadratki so prekrite (tajne) informacije, standarden postopek.

Tukajle jasno piše "LRD LASE DES", v Angleščini.

On Thursday 26 November, a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft operated with coalition fast jets providing close air support to Iraqi units conducting offensive operations against ISIL in Ramadi. The Reaper’s crew provided surveillance assistance to a successful coalition strike that eliminated an ISIL sniper team and then employed its own GBU-12 guided bomb to destroy a terrorist-held building.

junij 2006:

Predator UAV Engage a Group of Insurgents With a Hellfire Missile in Iraq When "LRD LASE DES" appears on the display, the Predator's laser rangefinder/designator is enabled. (YouTube)



10. maj 2014
Tole je pa necenzuriran video s predatorja, da vidiš, kaj skrivajo.

Več ali manj koordinate.


10. maj 2014
Tole bo šlo off, komentar videa z l. 2005:

The body of Sascha Grenner-Case American civilian, husband of Karen Grenner-Case being kicked, stoned and item stolen. No virginia national guard around to stop this. Va guard said they returned to site, guess they sat there and watched this. Nice job 1173rd protecting Americans.
KBR ambushed video 3 unarmed Amrerican civilians left behind by the Virginia National Guard. This is the video that shows the death of 3 unarmed American civilians. Keven Dagit was killed in this ambush. Kevens truck is in the lower part of the video when it shows Sascha Grenner-Case being kicked and stoned after the I.P. (iraqi police) killed him. Keven was shot inside his truck and then set on fire, burnt to death. see the Preston Wheeler video for the rest of the story.
Prisoners of War:
Keven Dagit later KIA
Sascha Grenner-Case later KIA
Preston Wheeler later shot, wounded
this video was sent to me from Iraq in 2006

KBR je

Situacija na tleh:

Heros and cowards.
the Heros in this video are the kbr drivers that were killed and the kbr drivers that were wounded.
The cowards are the virginia national guard 1173rd. 'Code of Conduct of the 1173rd'
Who do you respect more?
Heros: Christopher Lem K.I.A. Keven Dagit K.I.A. Sascha Grenner-Case K.I.A. Preston Wheeler W.I.A.
cowards: 1173rd va. n.g. 507th va .

American civilians left alone to die after the Virginia nationl guard left them. Civilians are NOT allowed to have ANY type of weapons.
This video is the property of Mr. Preston Wheeler. It shows the hell that these drivers had to face ALONE. Keven Dagit is in truck #3. What you hear in the video is the last words of Keven Dagit before the I.P. walked up to his door opened it and shot him and then set his truck on fire with Keven inside.
comments below come from Keven:
"Truck 3's down taking shots! Trucks driving by is there anyway I can jump in one! Truck 3's needs a ride! Is there anyone out there? Truck 3 needs a ride!The last thing Keven said was, 'THEIR GETTING IN MY TRUCK! THEIR GETTING IN MY TRUCK!'
guess the 1173rd, 117th Military Police Battalion, Virginia national guard was to far away to hear the cries for help from the Americans.
God rest the souls and the families that lost loved ones that day. via: see maj.gen.newman comments on line about this ambush.
KBR trucks in order:
#1 Christopher Lem K.I.A
w/c.c. Marc Kenyon
#2 Terry Stewart W.I.A.
#3 Keven Dagit K.I.A.
#4 Sascha Grenner-Case K.I.A.
#5 Preston Wheeler W.I.A.
#6 John Schell
#7 Phillip Blizzard
#8 Robert Cunningham W.I.A.
#9 Art Faust W.I.A.
#10 John Hicks
#11 Loran Bradshaw
#12 James Wynne
Va. N.G. Military:
staff sgt. marty herron convoy commander
riding in gun #3 as NCOIC mts#6740
convoy commander for this convoy 'Herron'
This is the layout of the Logcap III convoy.
you can find out more info. on the 1173rd convoy commander on line.
This is a coverup, just like the Pat Tillman coverup. DO NOT belive what you are told by the military and the government. Cover ups are common in this war.

'They Just killed Him' ! Preston Wheeler saw Shasha being shot in the back of the head by the I.P. (iraqi police).
See 1st hand what really makes up the 1173rd Virginia National Gaurd, 117th Military Police Battalion, 507th. The Va. N.G. is taught to RUN from a firefight. This makes you think, how many MORE times has this happened and NOT been reported? How many of your loved ones have been killed in iraq or in an ambush and NOT been told the real truth? You really need to ask HOW your loved ones died and then do some digging to findout the real truth. These guys in the convoy did NOT stand a chance. They were dead the second they started out with the N.G.
Watch the videos and decide for your self.
Watch as the 1173rd Virginia national guard drive away from the downed trucks with OUT stopping to try to recover LIVE bodies. They want only dead bodies.
(Dead bodies don't talk. )
Mr. Preston Wheeler video

This is a video of the aftermath on 20sept05 of the Balad Iraq ambush that killed 3 unarmed American civilians.
Keven Dagit
Sascha Grenner-Case
Christopher Lem
They were truck drivers delivering mail for the military. All these truck drivers became 'Prisoners of War' Keven Dagits body was found inside his burnt out truck, not much of Keven Dagits body was left to be found.
Sascha's body was kicked and beaten, and stoned after he was shot in the back of the head.
The 507th investagated the ambush and found no fault on the part of the 1173rd Virginia National Guard, the 1173rd is a division of the 507th. Follow the money. Look at the history of the Virginia National Gaurd. The fire fight caught on video by Preston Wheeler is on youtube. The virginia national guard never fires a shot, they instead left the American civilians in the kill zone to die.


Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Kje pa so francozi? Sam gobec jih je bil, letalonosilka jim je nasedla?


2. mar 2010


10. maj 2014

Italian journalist Lucia Goracci while reporting from the Syrian city of Aleppo points to graffitti written in Cyrillic, attributes it to Ukrainians and implies that they are most likely fighting on the side of ISIS.

In a news report aired on the Italian channel TG1 on February 14, 2016 Goracci points to writing on a demolished wall and says “This writing is in the Russian alphabet, it is the city of Lviv. Perhaps those who did this came from Ukraine to do jihad”.

The journalist clearly has limited knowledge of the Cyrillic alphabet. In Ukrainian, the city is called Lviv – Львів and in Russian Lvov Львов. What is written on the wall is actually Alov – Альов.

A basic Google search turns up several examples of persons named Alov – Альов. As Russian forces are present in Syria, perhaps one of them scribbled his name on the wall.

Lucia Goracci spent several months in eastern Ukraine covering the Russian invasion of the Donbas for RAI television. Her reports were always presented from the point of view of the separatists and from territory they captured, Goracci never reported from areas controlled by Ukrainian forces.


10. nov 2014
#SAA have now encircled #IS in east #Aleppo -- Pomeni, da je kotel med Alepom in Kuweirsom zaprt... Znotraj naj bi bilo ujetih cca 800 ISISovcev...


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
America Is Now Fighting A Proxy War With Itself In Syria

Officials with Syrian rebel battalions that receive covert backing from one arm of the U.S. government told BuzzFeed News that they recently began fighting rival rebels supported by another arm of the U.S. government.

The infighting between American proxies is the latest setback for the Obama administration’s Syria policy and lays bare its contradictions as violence in the country gets worse.

The confusion is playing out on the battlefield — with the U.S. effectively engaged in a proxy war with itself. “It’s very strange, and I cannot understand it,” said Ahmed Othman, the commander of the U.S.-backed rebel battalion Furqa al-Sultan Murad, who said he had come under attack from U.S.-backed Kurdish militants in Aleppo this week.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
I hate to have another post about Turkish government again, but pehaps someone could tell their moronic officials, that is you are transporting official al-Queda fighters with their media team from Idlib to Azaz to not film it? You know, so you can have at least some weak claim of deniability and not make your cooperation with al-Qaeda known to whole world though YouTube?

Here is Nusra video of their fighters exiting buses in Azaz after being transported from Idlib

Kam smo prišli. Država članica NATA uradno sodeluje, pomaga in organizira z Al Kaido.