Russian guided missile corvette Zelyony Dol based at Black Sea Fleet (BSF) has arrived in Syrian port Tartous, said the BSF Commander Admiral Aleksander Vitko on Tuesday, 18 February.
“We can’t excuse any NATO ally, including the U.S.” of having “links with a terrorist organization that strikes us in the heart of Turkey,” Davutoglu said in a televised speech. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey’s allies ought to recognize the strong ties between the two Kurdish groups.
“We gave to the Russian ambassadors in Paris [and] in Geneva coordinates for three hospitals located in very intense conflict zones, but not for all of them, and it was a decision taken together with the medical staff of the health facilities that we support,” said MSF operations director Isabelle Defourny.
If the US does not recognize the Kurdish Workers’ Party’s (PKK) Syrian wing – Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as the terrorist organization, Turkey may close its Incirlik Air Base for the US Armed Forces, Seref Malkoch, Turkish president’s adviser said, Turkish Bugun newspaper reported Feb. 19.
BRITAIN is failing spectacularly in Syria by backing the "losing side" and should follow Russia's lead by launching airstrikes in support of the Assad regime, the former head of the army has said. The senior official, who led the British army between 2006-2009, said: "It is only going to be one with military defeat. From the air can help, but on the ground is where the decision is going to come.
Lord Dannatt said the Russian's had aptly demonstrated how to counter the extremist threat in Syria by backing the side most likely to win, despite reservations about the reported barrel-bombing of civilian areas by government forces.
He told the BBC: "The Russians are coordinating with the Assad regime and are being very successful. From the air and on the ground, they are working in a coordinating fashion.
"Our problem is that we are working with the losers. Let's work with that regime.
"There may be an element of my enemy's enemy is my friend, and choosing the least worst of several very unattractive options."
Peter Ford, a former British ambassador to Syria, also blasted the UK for backing extremists disguised as moderate rebel fighters.
He argued defence chiefs were intent on removing President Bashar al-Assad despite wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya proving the difficulties in simply toppling a dictator without a comprehensive plan for what could replace them.
A high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead is a type of munition made of an explosive shaped charge that employs the Munroe effect, to create a high velocity partial stream of metal in a state of superplasticity, which is used to penetrate solid vehicle armour.
Wednesday 3 February saw both Typhoons and Tornados providing close air support to Iraqi forces clearing Daesh positions in the area around Ramadi. Tornados had to attack a series of Daesh positions close to Iraqi forces, and these were also highly successful: Paveway attacks accounted for four groups of terrorist fighters, including one heavy machine-gun and two mortar teams, and when machine-gunners opened fire on the Iraqis from the windows of a single storey building, the Tornados launched a pair of Brimstone missiles which accurately struck both windows.
On Wednesday 17 February, a Tornado mission interrupted a Daesh team preparing to fire nine artillery rockets, hitting them with Pavewway to impact the middle of the line of launch rails.
On Sunday 10 January a Tornado flight used Brimstone missiles to attack a number of mobile cranes brought in by Daesh to attempt to repair the severe damage inflicted by previous RAF and coalition air strikes on the Omar oil field.
RAF Typhoon use Paveway bombs to destroy Daesh mechanical excavator being used to construct defensive positions.
On Thursday 26 November, a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft operated with coalition fast jets providing close air support to Iraqi units conducting offensive operations against ISIL in Ramadi. The Reaper’s crew provided surveillance assistance to a successful coalition strike that eliminated an ISIL sniper team and then employed its own GBU-12 guided bomb to destroy a terrorist-held building.
On Friday 10 July, Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri, supported by a Voyager tanker, patrolled near Habbaniyah in western Iraq to support Iraqi army units operating in the area. A coalition surveillance aircraft identified an ISIL mortar position which had opened fire on the Iraqi troops, and was able to guide a successful attack by the GR4s using a Brimstone missile.