Jp.. Stvari bodo postale počasi mnogo bolj resne, kot se večini tukaj zdijo...Citat:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik boomslang pravi:
03.12.2015. -
Oko dve hiljade terorista, preko 120 tona municije i oko 250 vozila prebačeno je u Siriju s teritorije Turske za poslednjih nedelju dana, izjavio je načelnik Nacionalnog centra za upravljanje odbranom Rusije Mihail Mizincev.
To bi se vsekakor zgodilo še 10 - 15 let nazaj... Danes ni več unipolarnega ( pax americana ) sveta... Svet je postal multipolaren... Prej, ko se boste tega zavedali, bolj vam bo jasno za kaj se v Siriji ali če hočete v Ukraini gre...Citat:
Uporabnik mr_ pravi:
Se bodo morali pocasi amerikanci odlocit kako in kaj, parkirat polovico letalonosilk tam okoli, pa se par polov f15 itd prpeljat in spet prevzet vlogo svetovnega policaja. Ker da pa se Iranci delajo neki faktor, to bo zbudilo se jude...uncle sam calling.
Teroristi brez pitne vode. FinoCitat:
Brez pitne vode je ostalo...
Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai reported about Russia’s preparations to deploy the second military base in Syria. Group of Russian Airspace Force as well as sustaining and screening units will be deployed on the Shairat airbase 35 km south-eastwards Homs. Amount of Russian aircraft based in Syria may then rise up to 100.
Uporabnik Snecer pravi:
mio "ljudi" je bilo brez vode?
o kakšnih ljudeh je to govora?
“The bombing caused severe damage and cut off piped water supplies on which approximately 3.5 million people depend. Water pumping operations have since been partially restored, but more than 1.4 million people in rural Aleppo continue to suffer interruptions to their supply.
“The al-Khafseh facility is one of the most important in Syria, producing an average of 18 million litres of drinking water daily. Drawing raw water from the Euphrates River, it is the sole source of drinking water for four million people across Aleppo governorate.
“International Humanitarian Law protects civilian infrastructure and the right of civilians to access services. Accordingly, UNICEF calls once again on all parties to the conflict to end all attacks on water facilities, treatment systems, pipelines, infrastructure and personnel who repair water supply installations”.