Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Manjka še lokacija spodaj desno.
taki pač smo eniCitat:
Uporabnik Gargy pravi:
Pac_Man pa ceeeeedevita, v svetu bolj znana kot vrhunska poznavalca čistilnih naprav, rafinerij, zalogovnikov žita, cistern za nafte, kesonov, ruske (anti)propagande, orožja, motorjev za lovce, lovce, majhno pehotno orožje, manjše protipehotno orožje, vodene izstrelke, nevodene izstrelke, balistične rakete in še mnogo drugega - nam na obskurnem, svetu popolnoma neznanem forumu, razkrivata napake in zaplode Rusov kjerkoli pos svetu...
Je pa fajn brat![]()
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, before making a decision on the destruction of the Russian aircraft on the border with Syria, has got support on this point from his US counterpart Barack Obama. It is reported immediately a number of Arab media, citing information from some source in the presidential administration of Turkey.
As noted, this happened during the recent summit of "Big Twenty" in Antalya. Erdogan during a private meeting with Obama asked him for permission to blow on the Russian aircraft. According to media reports, Obama answered in the affirmative nod.
- It is obvious that the Turkish leader is suffering due to severe insomnia, which he cause action Russian videoconferencing in Syria, destroying the infrastructure of petroleum LIH. And there is no secret that Turkey - is the main importer of contraband oil at reduced prices from the territories controlled by the LIH * - the newspaper notes Mepanorama.
- Sources close to the administration of the Turkish president, quoted Erdogan, who in a meeting with Obama offered him in order to prevent Russia to shoot down Russian aircraft. Thought for a moment, nodded Obama - says the publication.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Erdoganov sin z ISIS leaderji: