Revolut bančni račun


16. apr 2017
Imam tudi sam idejo po nakupovanju ETF...

za ibkr imaš "aplikacijo", ki ti pretvori dokumente za SLO poročanje. Kar je verjetno že fajn.

Sem pa sam odprl račun na trade republic (v osnovi zaradi trenutno še solidnih obresti) in mi je tudi vmesnik všečen.

Seveda pa bi po eni strani najraje na Revolut, ker sem ga navajen...
Imam IBKR. Kar me moti je to, da ti oni odvedejo davek pri prodaji (20%), oz., ce se zelis izogniti dvojnemu obdavcevanju moras iti na FURS, da ti nek obrazec potrdijo.

Na Revolutu mi je super, ker direktno lahko kupis. Na IBKR moras imeti tam denar in potem iz tam kupijes.

Enostavni mi je Revolut bolj pregleden. Ne vem, kako je z varnostjo na Revolut, ampak glede na to, da ima vec kot 45MIO uporabnikov in je vse regulirano ne verjamem, da bi bil lahko kaksen problem.


17. dec 2012
Če ti je število zastonj tradov na mesec dovolj, je super. Drugače je drag. Ima pa Revolut manjši spread napram TR kjer je cena tradea 1€.

Aja, pa TR in ostali brokerji imajo več NTFjev in delnic v naboru. Kar jaz rabim, je imel Revolut le 1 od 3.


16. apr 2017
Če ti je število zastonj tradov na mesec dovolj, je super. Drugače je drag. Ima pa Revolut manjši spread napram TR kjer je cena tradea 1€.

Aja, pa TR in ostali brokerji imajo več NTFjev in delnic v naboru. Kar jaz rabim, je imel Revolut le 1 od 3.
Jih imam 10 na mesec v paketu Ultra, mi je to dovolj…


20. dec 2011
Vse kar ti bom povedal so ugibanja.

Porfelj bo po mojem skupen. Ločen App naj bi imel možnost tudi trajdenja. Lahko je cena tudi enaka, ker imajo dodatno opcijo 15 €/mesec in imaš skoraj vse free.

Verjetno podobna zgodba kot pri Revolutu X, kjer naj bi izven app-a bili nakupi s kriptom ugodnejši od vseh drugih kriptomenjalnic.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: delavec44


20. dec 2011
The app, called Revolut Invest, will offer nearly 5,000 assets on debut, including US and European stocks, exchange-traded funds, commodities and bonds, as well as new products such as contracts for difference. Equity and bond investments will face a flat fee of either 0.25% or €1, the bank said in a statement on Tuesday, while charges for CFDs may vary.

Currently undergoing testing in Greece, Denmark and the Czech Republic, the app will be introduced in other European Economic Area countries by the end of the year, Rolandas Juteika, Revolut’s head of wealth and trading for the region, said in an interview. The plan is to double the number of assets available to trade by the same time frame, he added.

he company already allows trading for retail investors on its main banking app. But with the standalone app, Revolut will be able to target new customers who aren’t already using its banking services — opening it up to a much broader group of retail investors. It’ll also include access to a premium subscription tier called Trading Pro, offering reduced commission fees, increased limits and analytics.

Around 5% of Revolut’s users are considered to be active, making more than one trade per week, while around 20,000 customers are signed up for Trading Pro, Juteika said.

Those who sign up for Revolut Invest will undergo the same onboarding process as Revolut’s banking customers, Juteika said, meaning they can choose to use the bank’s full services if they download the main banking app at a later date. Banking customers will also still be able to make investments from the main app.

“In terms of user experience, those active traders will still try all the platforms they want to trade with and they’ll see which ones they like more than others,” Juteika said.



20. dec 2011
Mene so že premaknili na Ciper.

Revolut X mi še ne deluje.


13. okt 2007
Revolut business… uporabljam za sp kaksni dve leti. Par prilivov mesečno in plačilo prispevkov. In ta teden dobim obvestilo partnerja, da je dobil vrnjen denar, ki mi ga je nakazal… support na Revolutu sicer odziven na chatu, ampak po x sporocilih sem in tja je priletelo sedaj tole:

Hi Igor! Parker here with you today.

I would like to let you know that we are currently reviewing your account. Usually, it takes from *1 to 18 calendar days* for the updates to be available; however, this is an estimated timeframe.

Please note that we aim to resolve this as soon as possible and will contact you with further details once the review is over.

Since your account is currently being reviewed, I would like to inform you that the following actions might be restricted until the review is completed:
- Sending or receiving funds
- Crediting the account (top-up)
- Card payments
- ATM withdrawals

Fajn… ce bi imel obeseno na ta tr recimo poslovanje doo-ja bi precej pisano gledal :(.


1. okt 2007
Revolut business… uporabljam za sp kaksni dve leti. Par prilivov mesečno in plačilo prispevkov. In ta teden dobim obvestilo partnerja, da je dobil vrnjen denar, ki mi ga je nakazal… support na Revolutu sicer odziven na chatu, ampak po x sporocilih sem in tja je priletelo sedaj tole:

Hi Igor! Parker here with you today.

I would like to let you know that we are currently reviewing your account. Usually, it takes from *1 to 18 calendar days* for the updates to be available; however, this is an estimated timeframe.

Please note that we aim to resolve this as soon as possible and will contact you with further details once the review is over.

Since your account is currently being reviewed, I would like to inform you that the following actions might be restricted until the review is completed:
- Sending or receiving funds
- Crediting the account (top-up)
- Card payments
- ATM withdrawals

Fajn… ce bi imel obeseno na ta tr recimo poslovanje doo-ja bi precej pisano gledal :(.

Resil bodo hitro po moje, ampak ne ves, kako...

Jaz ga bom itak zaprla...sem ze vse prenesla, drag postaja... Cakam samo se nekaj, za kar bom rabila izpisek na dolocen dan in potem konec. Zdaj ne upam zapreti, ker ne vem, kako potem do tega podatka priti... Revolut Pro je pa sicer obup, ampak vsaj z ustrezno ceno za to, kar ponuja...
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: igi


17. dec 2012
Neo banke niso lih fajn za imet kot glavni račun,ne?!

sploh kot te tako zahaklajo

Ker na klasični banki se pa sploh ne more zgoditi, da izvajajo postopke za preprečevanje pranja denarja in ugotavljajo izvor.

Tudi na Revolutu, še vsakič ko so kaj preverjali, je takoj priletel mail in push obvestilo v app. Čudno, da so v tem primeru kar zavrnili nakazilo brez obvestila. Vprašanje, če si od supporta sploh dobil pravilne informacije v čem je problem. Navadno, če je račun v preverjanju, je to označeno tudi v aplikaciji in lahko prilagaš dokazila itd.