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Nakupe s kartico pa redno opravljam in mi vedno ponuja update ob odprtju aplikacije, katerega pa vedno zavrnem
Please check out the updates to our Revolut terms and conditions
We’re making some changes to our terms and conditions in accordance with the requirements of new regulations which govern the services we provide to you. These changes are being brought in line with some updates we are introducing concerning the new Payments Services Directive 2 (“PSD2”

, which will come into effect on 13 January 2018. Keep an eye out for our follow up blog post in the next few weeks which will explain how these new regulations will affect you and highlight the exciting new opportunities this will provide for Revolut customers. We are also updating our terms and conditions to include some changes in relation to direct debit and our Revolut Premium offering.
PSD2 - what are the changes?
Third Party Providers
You can choose to allow a Third Party Provider (TPP) to access information on your account, to combine and display information about your account with information from accounts you have with other payment service providers, and, if applicable to your Revolut Card, to make payments for you from your account, provided the TPP is authorised by the FCA or another European regulator and you have given your explicit consent.
If you do, you must keep us informed of any incorrect or unauthorised transactions that happen so we can take steps to stop further misuse of your payment instrument and arrange any refund you've been entitled to.
If you are thinking of using a TPP, it is important you check with the regulator whether it is authorised before you use it.
We can refuse or stop access to a TPP if we're concerned it isn’t authorised or if we believe it's fraudulent or acting fraudulently. If that happens, we'll contact you to explain why unless we believe that would compromise our security or it would be unlawful. This change will not affect any customers who do not use TPPs.