No saj sem vedel, da nekaj mora bit. Vraga, moram rečt fotru naj se pazi, ker je mama samo moja!
Zadnji stavek v celoti... "I know the whole world is watching now and I wish the whole world can see what I see. Sometimes hyou have to go up really high to understand how small you are."Citat:
Uporabnik bmwm3csl pravi:
"Sometimes you have to go really high to realize how small you are. I'm coming home now."
I could feel myself break the speed of sound. I could feel the air building up and then I hit it."—Felix Baumgartner
Hecno, po radiju pa so ga navedli, da je rekel, da sploh ni vedel oziroma čutil kdaj je prebil.Citat:
Uporabnik rawr pravi:
I could feel myself break the speed of sound. I could feel the air building up and then I hit it."—Felix Baumgartner