Uporabnik gloglo pravi:
Torej zakaj putka ne toži na mednarodnem sodišču zaradi zamrznitev sredstev?
Ali pa Srbija
ali pa.........
A si od včeraj...
Ti, kot mnogi Čakmalnorisi, ne ločiš hrušk od jabolk, kaj ne, da ne... Človek vam je samo napisal, kako gredo stvari pravno formalno in to je vse.... In mimogrede Putinu ne bo potrebno nič tožit.... "Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Moscow just wants to be paid back what it is owed, while his French counterpart, Hollande, has reportedly agreed to this.
"If we cannot deliver the Mistral to Russia, I do not see any reason why we cannot return what they have paid up front," Hollande said, according to Le Figaro.
The French publication also added that Paris may have to pay Moscow in the region of €300 million in compensation for a breach of contract."................