Planet Golob

19. jul 2007
In 2023, both Shell and Vitol were accused by Oleg Ustenko, the economic advisor to the Ukrainian president, of prolonging the war in Ukraine through exploiting a loophole in EU sanctions to bring products derived from Russian oil into Europe, through Turkey. Vitol, in April 2022, had pledged to cease trading Russian origin crude oil and product.

In 2020, Vitol Inc. agreed to pay a combined total criminal penalty of $135 million to resolve bribery charges with law enforcement authorities in the United States and Brazil. The resolution arises out of Vitol schemes to pay bribes to officials in Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico.

In 2018, The Dispute Settlement and Sanctions Committee of CRE, the French Energy Regulatory Commission, fined VITOL S.A. €5 million for engaging in market manipulation on the French Southern virtual Gas Trading Point (“PEG Sud”) between 1 June 2013 and 31 March 2014. Vitol appealed this decision,[45] but the French Council of State confirmed the sanction in June 2021.

In 2013, The Telegraph alleged that the company had been using, for over a decade, an Employee Benefit Trust, avoiding paying income tax for its UK staff.

In September 2012, it was alleged that the company had bought and sold Iranian fuel oil, bypassing an EU embargo against Tehran. Vitol bought 2 million barrels using a ship-to-ship transfer off the coast of Malaysia from a National Iranian Tanker Company vessel and sold it to Chinese traders. It was also stated that Vitol is based in Switzerland, which did not implement international sanctions, so Vitol had skirted the charges.

In September 2012, it was alleged that the company had bought and sold Iranian fuel oil, bypassing an EU embargo against Tehran. Vitol bought 2 million barrels using a ship-to-ship transfer off the coast of Malaysia from a National Iranian Tanker Company vessel and sold it to Chinese traders. It was also stated that Vitol is based in Switzerland, which did not implement international sanctions, so Vitol had skirted the charges.

According to an article in the Financial Times, Vitol was the company to organise the first controversial sale of Libyan rebel oil to Tesoro Corporation in early April 2011. According to the Financial Times, the company was approached by the Qatari national oil company to sell a cargo of crude oil supplied by the Libyans in exchange for technological supplies and fuel for the National Transitional Council of Libya.

In 2007, Vitol pleaded guilty to grand larceny in a New York court for paying surcharges to Iraq's national oil company during Saddam's regime and circumventing the UN oil-for-food program. Vitol subsequently paid $17.5 million in restitution for its actions.

A 2001 article in The Observer stated that in 1995 Vitol had secretly paid US$1 million to Serbian war criminal Arkan to settle a deal with a Serbian Oil company, Orion. Vitol has denied all charges, arguing that no government agency has ever prosecuted the company in this respect.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: Matey in Samo Svoj


25. avg 2007
To dela ona zraven svoje sluzbe v geniju.
Nekateri od Golobovih sodelavcev, ki so prišli iz Gen-I in kakšno delovno mesto so imeli:

Aleš Rezar, višji sodelavec za napovedovanje, cenitve in vozne rede, specialist za napovedovanje, cenitve in vozne rede
Andreja Živic, računovodja
Bojan Kumer, vodja projektov za razvoj poslovanja v tujini, vodja službe prodaje ključnim kupcem, direktor prodaje
Danijel Levičar, namestnik predsednika uprave, član uprave
Maksimiljana Polak, zaposlena
Matej Arčon, zaposleni
Nataša Avšič Bogovič, svetovalka uprave
Tamara Vonta, strokovnjakinja za medije

Tudi sestra Tine Gaber Urša je bila pred službo na vladi tajnica v Gen-I.


17. dec 2012
Hehe, kera komedija.

  • Haha
Reactions: koliko


8. jul 2023
Nekateri od Golobovih sodelavcev, ki so prišli iz Gen-I in kakšno delovno mesto so imeli:

Aleš Rezar, višji sodelavec za napovedovanje, cenitve in vozne rede, specialist za napovedovanje, cenitve in vozne rede
Andreja Živic, računovodja
Bojan Kumer, vodja projektov za razvoj poslovanja v tujini, vodja službe prodaje ključnim kupcem, direktor prodaje
Danijel Levičar, namestnik predsednika uprave, član uprave
Maksimiljana Polak, zaposlena
Matej Arčon, zaposleni
Nataša Avšič Bogovič, svetovalka uprave
Tamara Vonta, strokovnjakinja za medije

Tudi sestra Tine Gaber Urša je bila pred službo na vladi tajnica v Gen-I.
Saj so naši!


10. feb 2008
Take mamo
TEŠ in druge elektrarne so se zgradile iz našega denarja. Zgradile so se za naše potrebe. Elektriko bi morali v osnovi pokupiti slovenski elektrodistributerji za potrebe Slovenije. Dvomim , da jo prodamo tako dobro, da se nam uvoz izplača. Važno ,da nas lupijo kot gnile banane.

Izgleda, da TEŠ le nima tako slabe cene el. da jo tujci pokupijo.
Imajo SLO distributerji še cenejšo elektriko.( sončne viške)


22. maj 2012
Kaj smo že naredli glede poplav? Aja, nič, ob eni bajti (ki je pa nismo mi naredili) smo se slikali (


25. avg 2007
Golob nima več lastnih nepremičnin. Z zakonom bi obdavčil svojo bivšo ženo.

Po razvezi zakonske zveze je predsednik vlade Robert Golob vse svoje nepremičnine prepustil bivši soprogi Jani Nemec, zaradi česar trenutno s partnerico, Tino Gaber, živita v najetem stanovanju, je nedavno Gabrova povedala za revijo Obrazi.

V zgradbi, v kateri v najemu živita Golob in Gabrova, je devet stanovanj, po uradnih podatkih geodetske uprave pa se oddaja samo eno – 160 kvadratnih metrov veliko stanovanje, v katerem je Robert Golob, so poročali v Tarči. Mesečna najemnina znaša 4500 evrov, kar je po nekaterih podatkih najvišja najemnina v državi.

Zanimivost: stanovanje, v katerem biva Golob, naj bi bilo v lasti gradbenega podjetja Eltim Darka Perka, ki je sicer član SDS in osebni prijatelj Janeza Janše.


15. avg 2007
No ta zadnja je direktna lazna novica. Perko je iz obcine kjer je SDS mocen in pozna marsikoga…je pa kar konkretno povezan z levimi, tako ex LDS kot svoboda (pustimo osebna prepricanja, govorimo s kom je nakonektan)


22. jul 2007
Potem ves da je ded multimilijonar, mogoče še kaj od ateja, po večini pa smo ga sami zalagali v 17 letih kot šefa uprave genija..


2. jul 2020
Konec poletja / jesen.

* govorim na pamet glede na standardno tedensko košarico jestvin.