Eno pomoč potrebujem.
Od samega začetka uporabljam ta "prepaid" PayPal in zadeva je res super!
Pred nekaj dnevi nazaj pa sem na moj e-mail prejel obvestilo s strani PayPal-a, da je nekdo "vlomil" na moj prepaid račun oziroma da so zaznali čudne aktivnosti (kakšne - ne vem).
Ko sem se takoj prijavil na moj prepaid račun sem videl obvestilo:
Ko sem kliknil, da bi zadevo rešil, je sistem od mene zahteval, da:
- zamenjam geslo mojega računa
- odgovorim na varnostna vprašanja
Prvi 2 točki sem seveda naredil, vendar zakaj bi moral dodati še moj TRR?
Tega podatka pa ja ne potrebujejo! Saj gre po sistemu, da jim na njihov TRR jaz nakažem nek znesek pod mojo sklicno številko, ki mi jo določijo in denar je na morem paypal računu. Nikoli nisem potreboval posredvati podatka o mojem TRR.
Ima kdo kakšno idejo, kaj naredit, da lahko še naprej uporabljal svoj prepaid paypal račun brez, da bi mi jim posredoval svoj TRR?
Sem jim že pisal e-mail, vendar mi ne odgovarja nihče oziroma dobil sem samo nazaj tak mail:
Dear XY,
Thanks for your email. To help you as quickly as possible, here is some information we feel will suit your needs.
A. Why have I been unable to make a payment?
B. Where do I find the code to confirm my card?
C. Why do I have a limitation on my PayPal account?
This email is an automated response, designed to try and answer your questions as quickly as possible. If you'd like more information, simply reply to this email with as many details about your situation as possible. Your query will be prioritised and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Yours Sincerely,
A. Why have I been unable to make a payment?
We regret the difficulty you have experienced when attempting to make a payment with your card. Often when you receive an error message saying your payment could not be complete it is because your card issuer has denied the payment.
The only information that we receive is that your card provider has declined the use of this card with PayPal.
Here are some common reasons why a card issuer would decline a payment:
There could be a limit on your credit card that has been exceeded.
It's possible that the card issuer could be temporarily unavailable to answer the authorisation request we sent.
Your credit card company could be blocking this transaction for security reasons as it doesn't fit your regular spending patterns.
I'd encourage you to contact your credit card issuer and speak to someone who deals with online transactions to find out why this payment was denied. The general customer service at your bank may not be able to provide specific information on why a transaction was denied. You will need to contact the department in charge of online payments to obtain this information.
You may be able to complete this payment after you have spoken to your card issuer and resolved the issue. Alternatively you can add another credit card to your PayPal account.
B. Where do I find the code to confirm my card?
You will find your 4-digit code on your card statement 2-3 working days after linking your card on your PayPal account. Your 4-digit PayPal code will show on your card statement next to a small PayPal charge.
Your card statement is a document provided by your credit card company, which shows a summary of your card payments for a set period of time. Some credit card companies send this monthly by post while others provide an online version. If you do not have online access to your statement, you can wait for your card company to send it by mail.
Please be advised that if you requested the PayPal code more than once you must use the last code to verify your account. Every time you request a new code the old code is deactivated for security reasons.
If the code you are trying to enter to confirm your card is identified as an old code, this means that you are not using the newest one.
Your code will look like this on your statement:
PayPal*1234 CODE or PP*1234 CODE
When you know your PayPal code, you can confirm your card:
Go to the PayPal website and log in to your account.
Click 'Confirm my debit or credit card' in the 'Notifications' box.
Enter your PayPal code.
Click 'Submit'.
The charge amount is refunded to your PayPal balance or your card, depending on your country, once the PayPal code is entered and your card is confirmed. This refund may take up to 24 hours to be reflected in your PayPal balance but will take longer if it is sent to your card.
Please do not call your credit card company to get your PayPal code before receiving your monthly statement in the mail
Please be aware that if you are using a prepaid card, you should ensure it offers the statement service. Otherwise you will need to contact your card issuer's Customer Service to retrieve the 4 digit PayPal code
C. Why do I have a limitation on my PayPal account?
Occasionally, for your protection, we temporarily limit what you can do with your PayPal account. We want to verify some additional details on your account before we restore access.
Here's how to complete the steps necessary to have your limitation reviewed:
Go to
www.paypal.com and log in to your account.
Click on 'Resolution Center' near the top of the page.
Find the 'Begin a limitation review' box.
Click 'Resolve' under the Action column beside each step.
When you have completed each step, your account will be reviewed. This normally takes between 24 and 72 hours to happen. We will then send you an email updating you on your account status. As soon as we have confirmed that the necessary steps have been completed we will remove the limitation from your account.
Please remember that when we limit your account you will be able to see this when you log into PayPal. All documents requested will be uploaded through our website or sent by fax. We will never ask you to send any information by email.
If you get an email asking you to do this, it is not from PayPal. In this case please forward the email to
spoof@PayPal.com so that we may investigate this issue.