Jaz sem mnenja, da je Microsoft Band 2, vredna 250 $. Ima 11 senzorjev,kot edina na tržišču. Dejansko uporabna ura in nadgradnja telefona. Izgleda kul. Ne pa,da kupimo pametno uro,ki je le kopija telefona v pomanjšani obliki...
To glede review je pa čisto subjektivno mnenje pisca... Predvsem na to, da gre za produkt,ki je hibrid med pametno uro in fitness trackerjem.
Seveda najdemo tudi zelo pozitivne recenzije in nevtralne.
It is very difficult to score the Band 2, because it is such a specific product with a unique feature set. But let's unpack it: it is definitely good value, as the combination of sensors and features is much greater than any comparable product at this price. And it is well made if not the last word in elegance, nor with perfect battery life. If you are looking for a GPS runner's or cyclist's watch it is a good one at a good price, and it also offers the productivity and sleep tracking. And if you want a smartwatch you will like what the Band 2 does, but you may hanker after the ability to compose and send messages. Simply, I don't. I like to wear my dumb watch, and I like for my phone to stay in my pocket rather than on my wrist. So for me the Band 2 is a winner.