V Nemčiji je tip pohakoval naokoli z lokom zaradi česar so zaskrbljeni lokalci poklicali policijo in ko so ga štirje policisti imeli v postopku jih je nekako presenetil, naperil v njih orožje (nekje piše, da je šlo za pištolo, drugje govorijo o loku) ter jih razorožil in zaplenil njihove pištole ter jo ucvru v gozd, kjer ga zdaj na polno iščejo.
Tole bi bilo za v kak topic "saj ni res pa je"
Police were alerted early Sunday by a member of the public about a suspicious person carrying a bow and arrow. Officers thereupon conducted an ID check on Rausch, who was described as being 170 centimeters (around 5 feet, 7 inches) tall, bald, with a goatee beard and needing glasses.
Officials said the suspect initially cooperated but then suddenly pulled a gun on the officers, threatening them and forcing them to hand over their service weapons. Nobody was injured in the incident, about 30 kilometers (19 miles) from Germany’s border with France.
Rausch is believed to have been living in the forest for weeks, according to the regional police office in Offenburg.
Tole bi bilo za v kak topic "saj ni res pa je"
Police were alerted early Sunday by a member of the public about a suspicious person carrying a bow and arrow. Officers thereupon conducted an ID check on Rausch, who was described as being 170 centimeters (around 5 feet, 7 inches) tall, bald, with a goatee beard and needing glasses.
Officials said the suspect initially cooperated but then suddenly pulled a gun on the officers, threatening them and forcing them to hand over their service weapons. Nobody was injured in the incident, about 30 kilometers (19 miles) from Germany’s border with France.
Rausch is believed to have been living in the forest for weeks, according to the regional police office in Offenburg.
Manhunt in Germany for man who disarmed 4 police officers
Hundreds of German police are involved in a manhunt for a 31-year-old man in camouflage clothing who disarmed four officers at gunpoint and then fled into the forest with a pistol, knife and a bow and arrow
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