Uporabnik Thrivial pravi:
Zakaj so ameriški zapori polni nebelcev?
Malo morje razlogov, vsi imajo stičišče v rasizmu: prvi razlog je seveda revščina. Če gremo naprej:
''In the late 1990s, black and white women had similar levels of drug use during pregnancy. In spite of this, black women were 10 times as likely as white women to be reported to a child welfare agency for prenatal drug use''
''Crime statistics show that in 1999 in the United States blacks were far more likely to be targeted by law enforcement for drug crimes, and received much stiffer penalties and sentences than whites.[7]
In 1998 there were wide racial disparities in arrests, prosecutions, sentencing and deaths. African-Americans, who only comprised 13% of regular drug users, made up for 35% of drug arrests, 55% of convictions, and 74% of people sent to prison for drug possession crimes.[1] Nationwide African-Americans sent to state prisons for drug offenses 13 times more often than white men,[8] even though they only comprise 13% of regular drug users.[1]''
Ker je mnogo zaporov v ZDA v privatni lasti, je seveda v inetersu lastnikov, da je 'zločincev' čim več.
Potem so tu še voting ID zakoni, ki so namenjeni temu, da nebelci ne pridejo na volitve, pa stop and frisk, ki polni neworške zapore s hispanjolci in temnopoltimi itd, itd.
Uporabnik Thrivial pravi:Pa for the record - razlike v merjenju IQ-ja zaradi okolja pri odraslih ljudeh, glede na raziskave, izginejo. Moji linki so tam zaradi dokazovanja različnih osnovnih predizpozicij otrok, ki odraščajo v različnih okoljih.
In? Če te kot otroka označijo za osebo s posebnimi portebami, potem nimaš enakih možnosti za izobraževanje.
V bistvu pa je vse skupaj pojasnjeno tukaj: