Uporabnik kravakonj pravi:
Uporabnik skala pravi:
še vedno pa nisi nič komentiral glede šole. zakaj rabijo prav posebne programe in posebna ocenjevanja. na kakšen način so iq testi, kjer vidiš številko in ne imena diskirminatorni in jih prikažejo kot nesposobne?
The European Court considered that the statistics provided by the applicants indicated a tendency to place
children of Romani origin mostly in special schools. It also considered that the results of the psychological
tests administered by School Advisory Centres at the material time had been developed for the majority
and had not taken appropriate account of cultural and linguistic differences . The European Court
considered that there was a risk that the application of the tests, as well as interpretation of the results, could
be distorted by prejudice. The European Court also took the view that the parents of the Romani children were
probably not in a position to fully assess the situation and the consequences of their consent.
stran 13.
The European Court noted that prior to requesting their consent, the authorities did not
ensure that the parents were fully aware of the available alternatives, the differences between
the curriculum followed in special schools and mainstream elementary schools, or the
consequences that placement in a special school would have on their child’s future. Instead,
they faced a dilemma: “a choice between ordinary schools that were ill-equipped to cater for
their children’s social and cultural differences and in which their children risked isolation
and ostracism, and special schools where the majority of the pupils were Roma.”35 In any
event, given the serious nature of racial discrimination, the Grand Chamber establi
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