Skoraj.Torej Roosevelt je ukazal na silo gor odpret vse sefe in pojemat ven zgoraj našteto?
Numerous individuals and companies were prosecuted related to President Roosevelt's Executive Order 6102.
For instance a New York attorney named Frederick Barber Campbell had one deposit at Chase National Bank of over 5,000 troy ounces (160 kg) of gold. When Campbell attempted to withdraw the gold, Chase refused, and Campbell sued Chase. A federal prosecutor then indicted Campbell on the following day (September 27, 1933) for failing to surrender his gold. Ultimately Campbell's gold was confiscated.
Foreigners also had gold confiscated, and were forced to accept paper money for their gold. The Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, a Swiss banking company, had $1,250,000 in gold coins for business use. The Uebersee Finanz-Korporation entrusted the gold to an American firm for safekeeping, and the Swiss were shocked to find that their gold was confiscated. The Swiss made appeals, but those appeals were denied.
Deposit boxes held by individuals were not forcibly searched or seized under the order 6102 but prosecutions for gold "hoarding" were executed under different statutes (tax evasion prosecutions, presumabley unclaimed safe deposit boxes etc.). The U.S. Treasury also came into possession of a large number of safe deposit boxes due to bank failures. During the 1930s, over 3,000 banks failed and the contents of their safe deposit boxes were remanded to the custody of the Treasury.
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