Nova zmaga feministk - feminizem, politična korektnost in podoben bullsh1t


mesija - Assassin's Creep
8. jul 2010
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6. sep 2007
Pa menda ja ne?!? Kdo bi si mislil (poleg tistih, ki se zavedamo kaj sovražni govor dejansko je seveda) :evil:

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3. sep 2007
Pa menda ja ne?!? Kdo bi si mislil (poleg tistih, ki se zavedamo kaj sovražni govor dejansko je seveda) :evil:
PA si prepričan, da se zavedač kakšen link si dal.
"We examine racial bias in five different sets of Twitter data annotated for hate speech and abusive language. We train classifiers on these datasets and compare the predictions of these classifiers on tweets written in African-American English with those written in Standard American English. The results show evidence of systematic racial bias in all datasets, as classifiers trained on them tend to predict that tweets written in African-American English are abusive at substantially higher rates.
If they are used in this way we expect that they will systematically penalize African-Americans more than whites, resulting in racial discrimination"
Skratka, če pišeš tekse v Afro-ameriški angleščini boš prej označen za sovražni govor, kot če uporabljaš standardno Angleščino. Belce (verjetno uporabljajo standar American English, raziskava s tem ni ukvarjala) naj AI ne obravnavala tako strogo kot uporabnike African-American English (verjetno črnci).

AI bi se, če bi jo uporabili, obnašala rasistično, tako so zaključili.


6. sep 2007
PA si prepričan, da se zavedač kakšen link si dal.
"We examine racial bias in five different sets of Twitter data annotated for hate speech and abusive language. We train classifiers on these datasets and compare the predictions of these classifiers on tweets written in African-American English with those written in Standard American English. The results show evidence of systematic racial bias in all datasets, as classifiers trained on them tend to predict that tweets written in African-American English are abusive at substantially higher rates.
If they are used in this way we expect that they will systematically penalize African-Americans more than whites, resulting in racial discrimination"
Skratka, če pišeš tekse v Afro-ameriški angleščini boš prej označen za sovražni govor, kot če uporabljaš standardno Angleščino. Belce (verjetno uporabljajo standar American English, raziskava s tem ni ukvarjala) naj AI ne obravnavala tako strogo kot uporabnike African-American English (verjetno črnci).

AI bi se, če bi jo uporabili, obnašala rasistično, tako so zaključili.

Se povsem zavedam kakšen link sem dal - dal sem link do povzetka raziskave, ki je na podlagi objektivnega opazovanja ugotovila, da neka skupina, ki se konstantno predstavlja kot osovražena dejansko najbolj sovraži oz. zganja sobvražni govor oziroma z drugimi besedami - ljudje, ki uporabljajo afroameriško angleščino (to so običajno črnci a ne) imajo več hate speecha kot kakšni drugi, kar je tudi povezetek oz. point vsega skupaj.
Škoda, da se ne človek ne more kontrolirati na kakšen način piše in so tako ti ubožci enostavno prepuščeni hate-speechu :fredi: :zavijazocmi:

"“The results show evidence of systematic racial bias in all datasets, as classifiers trained on them tend to predict that tweets written in African-American English are abusive at substantially higher rates. If these abusive language detection systems are used in the field they will, therefore, have a disproportionate negative impact on African-American social media users,” the abstract continues. "

Tale odstavek je zmagovalen, spisan točno za take, ki iščejo izgovore glede rezultatov te raziskave:

"Many mainstream black liberals and black media outlets commonly talk about white people the same way that white supremacists talk about black people. This is not a big secret. In fact, it’s impossible to miss unless you’re mentally blocking it out. But, what happens when the AI spots it? Well then, the AI must be badly designed because it would adversely impact the people behaving the worst, but they’re “the wrong people.” Why are they the wrong people? Because it’s not “woke” to hold everyone to the same standards anymore. "

Ahahaha :aplauz:
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Reactions: BornSkeptic


3. sep 2007
Tako kot si razumel raziskavo, si tudi pravilen citat nalepil:
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
This has been attributed to Orwell on the internet, but the earliest source citing him as author appears to be a post from Jsnip4 on the forum (15 February 2011). Prior to this, the statement occurred, without attribution to Orwell, in an opinion piece by columnist Selwyn Duke, "Stopping Truth At The Border: Banning Michael Savage From Britain" (6 May 2009)."
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6. sep 2007
Tako kot vedno oz. v večini primerov zgolj relativiziraš zadevo in megliš dejanski point, si enako ravnal tudi tokrat, oh kako presenetljivo. Not.
Nima veze kdo je to dejansko rekel. Sem pred objavo razmišljal ali objavim to fotko ali kakšno drugo brez "avtorja" pa sem pustil in čakal, da nekdo zapne v to namesto, da bi se fokusiral na samo sporočilo in evo tebe :cheer:
Isti shit kot ekstremni levičar od jagebabe, ko je kontrirala s popravljanjem nepomembnih detajlov namesto osredotočenja na dejanski problem, res ste cvetke :aplauz: