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Po obisku Josipa Broza - Tita junija 1945 in po nacionalizaciji je bil MilošBrelih imenovan za prvega delegata v Tovarni letalskih delov. Tovarna se je začela specializirati za sestavo vozil v razstavljenem stanju. Nato je Zvezno ministrstvo za industrijo odločilo, da se bo podjetje preusmerilo v avtomobilsko proizvodnjo.
Chassis factory "Autokaroserija" was founded on 1st of June 1952. The former company, established in 1947, entitled "Stražilovo" dealing in vehicle repairs, thus ceased to exist. Here, the foundation of a company for chassis manufacturing and repairing was laid, with modest resources and a small group of 15 workers. With further development of automobile industry the company changed its main business activity, i.e. instead of repairing and rebuilding automobile chassis it started manufacturing new ones. The new activity was officially registered in 1956.
In the same year first contacts with Automobile factory from Maribor have been established. This relationship was further developed through business and technical cooperation and in 1973 a procedure for integration with TAM (Automobile and Engine Factory, Maribor) was started.
On December 9, 1974 Autokaroserija was incorporated into TAM Maribor (Tovarna automobilov in motorjev Maribor) thus gaining the status of OOUR. It operated under the name TAM Maribor, OOUR Autokaroserija Novi Sad. In 1977, on 14th February, OOUR Autokaroserija Novi Sad becomes a business organization ("Radna organizacija", R.O. for short) whose main activity is truck and special vehicles manufacture.
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TAM je predvsem novosadska zgodba ampak to niti ni vazno. Tudi v TVOJEM linku pise da je bila oprema (pred)novsadskega TAMA unicene (bombni napadi), izropana (Bolgari) in so zgodbice o montiranju/demontiranju izmisljene.