Uporabnik Shando pravi:
Pri kar ažurnih čehih je zadnja Slovenia8_2008.10_081222 z dne 11.3.2009 .....Citat:
Uporabnik Apachi pravi:
Nove karte so izšle 17.3.2009![]()
Ti se sam hecaš ....![]()
Hi Marko,
I just wanted to let you know that the very latest 2008 Q4 version of maps is now available for download to Nav N Go’s 3D iGO 8 and iGO My way 2006 Plus navigation softwares.
Over 60 updated maps are now available on for the iGO 8 PDA software and more than 30 navigation devices (PNAs) using the iGO 8 platform.
Updates for the formerly released software iGO My way 2006 Plus are available for more than 40 countries. Full Europe maps, as well as a greatly extended network of roads in 12 Eastern European countries, including Russia, are downloadable from
I’d very much appreciate it if you could share this news with your readers!
If you have any more questions, I’ll be happy to help.
Many thanks!
Kind regards,
Annegret MUNITZK
International PR Manager
Uporabnik Apachi pravi:
Uporabnik Shando pravi:
Pri kar ažurnih čehih je zadnja Slovenia8_2008.10_081222 z dne 11.3.2009 .....Citat:
Uporabnik Apachi pravi:
Nove karte so izšle 17.3.2009![]()
Ti se sam hecaš ....![]()
Hi Marko,
I just wanted to let you know that the very latest 2008 Q4 version of maps is now available for download to Nav N Go’s 3D iGO 8 and iGO My way 2006 Plus navigation softwares.
Over 60 updated maps are now available on for the iGO 8 PDA software and more than 30 navigation devices (PNAs) using the iGO 8 platform.
Updates for the formerly released software iGO My way 2006 Plus are available for more than 40 countries. Full Europe maps, as well as a greatly extended network of roads in 12 Eastern European countries, including Russia, are downloadable from
I’d very much appreciate it if you could share this news with your readers!
If you have any more questions, I’ll be happy to help.
Many thanks!
Kind regards,
Annegret MUNITZK
International PR Manager
Uporabnik gantlej pravi:
je možno to dobiti kje preko spleta?na ZS seveda lahko odgovor...
točno takoCitat:
Uporabnik OldSkul pravi:
Uporabnik gantlej pravi:
je možno to dobiti kje preko spleta?na ZS seveda lahko odgovor...
q1 mapo ima navigon, igo se mi zdi da še ne
Uporabnik Steve pravi:
Sicer pa tudi mene yebejo hišne številke. Moje cifre ni, je pa naslednja, čeprav je v prejšnji verziji to normalno delalo![]()