Nazadnje urejeno:
NATO jih je že kazal, vsakič jih ne bodo.Citat:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Za satelitske posnetke in drone si že slišal ?
Če bi jih imeli, verjemi, da bi jih že pokazali celemu svetu.
Kamaz driver, in which there were two other people, rammed the fence installed at border crossings "Izvarino" (Ukraine) and the "Donetsk" (Russia) and entered the territory of Russia.
As the site , to any requirements of border guards man did not respond. To stop them had to resort to using OMON, staff offices Mobile Action PU FSB of Russia in the Rostov region. In connection with the requirements of disobedience was used firearms.
Only truck stop in the vicinity of the farm Volchenskogo at the entrance to Kamensk-. All the detainees were in a state of extreme intoxication, though not an alcoholic. They argued that the militias are, and even for some time could not realize that they are on the territory of another state.
After the "militia" came to their senses, they began to say that they are hostages. But law enforcement officials did not believe them, because the hostages usually not so many weapons.
"There is evidence that this man - from Vladikavkaz. He penetrates, blind and perforating wounds of the trunk and limbs, large blood loss, operated throughout the night. At the moment he is in intensive care, gradually regains consciousness, but because of the extensive injuries and shock is still on a ventilator, a medical coma.
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Če pride na vojaški hub (Rostov na Donu) en kup vlakovnih kompozicij s tanki in jih čez par dni ni več na ozemlju RF ni potrebno veliko domišljije da izpelješ sklep.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Iz tega vidika tudi zločinec ni v zmoti, ker pač gleda na svoje zločine iz lastnega vidika.
Ampak na srečo imamo nek red v razvitem svetu, zakone, sodišča, ipd, ki pač nekako dajo vedeti kaj je prav in kaj narobe.
Dobrodošel v razvitem svetu, če še nisi vedel, da si del njega.
Sometimes, one culture's hero is another culture's villain — especially if they were on opposite sides of a conflict. Everybody always says that the winners write history, but often both sides have different versions. So which character is either a savior or a butcher, depending on whom you ask?
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik Ytbnd pravi:
Če pride na vojaški hub (Rostov na Donu) en kup vlakovnih kompozicij s tanki in jih čez par dni ni več na ozemlju RF ni potrebno veliko domišljije da izpelješ sklep.
A tako kot tale kolona vojaških vozil na poljsko-ukrajinski meji?
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
lukašenko je s tem zapečatil svojo usodo![]()
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Fotka je bila med komentarji rtvslo.
Pacman, hvala za popravek.