Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Očitno se mu zdi normalno, kar je počel janukovič...saj konec bil legitimno (?) izvoljen in je tako nad zakoni?
Rusi so začeli s zračnimi vajami v bližini ukrajinske meje.
The US promises to allocate $19 million for training and equipping this military structure – which also includes militants of the ultra-nationalist organization Right Sector – can be considered a direct financial and organizational complicity of the US in the genocide of civilians in south-east of Ukraine, as well as war crimes
In Ukraine, while NATO intensifies its training of Kiev’s armed forces — financed by Washington with $33 million — they are reactivating three military airports in the southern region, used by jet fighter-bombers of the alliance. In Poland they have just carried out an exercise of American Polish and Estonian paratroopers, jumping from C-130J troop carrying aircraft that arrived from the German base at Ramstein. In Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Lithuania various NATO military operations are going on, with AWACS radar planes, F-16 fighters and warships in the Black Sea.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
To so oni prebegli "vojaki"?
It has become a ritual that works every time: whenever Washington engages in regime change, mysterious snipers turn out to kill both government forces and opposition protesters. Then they disappear and are in principle never found. That is the case today in Syria, Ukraine and Venezuela. In Syria, the events in Daraa pitted part of the population against the government for a year. In Venezuela, forensic experts have shown that the shooters were the same on both sides and the protest movement is losing momentum. As for Ukraine, the leaked telephone conversations and the ensuing reactions leave little doubt that it is a repetition of the same recipe, observes Wayne Madsen.
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Uporabnik Diablo pravi:
No, no. Pri našem osamosvajanju se Srbi oziroma njih vodstvo ni strinjalo s tem, pa so malo ponagajali z jla. Zato je prislo do oboroženih spopadov. Slovenija je šla na pot osamosvajanja povsem po črki zakona. Zamisli si 500 PESov, ki zavzame obcino v novem mestu in razglasi republiko? Povsem v redu? Dvojna merila?
Bingoali pa so razni Afromani, Andyi podpirali tudi SAO krajine, kjer je prav tako manjšina vodena iz domače države morila in dalala škodo v državi, kjer so bili pred 400 leti povabljeni v njo da pomagajo v borbi proti turkom, leta 1990 pa se je obrnila proti večini.