Bolj kot berem, bolj vsekan zgleda del ruske družbe, ki ima dobre povezave s samim vrhom.
The Kremlin's Faux 'Freedom Fighters'
Yet, Moscow hasn't been entirely successful at covering its tracks. When pro-Russian forces declared a "People's Republic of Donetsk" on April 6 and demanded with it a Crimea-style referendum, several separatists thanked the "National Liberation Movement" (NLM) for supporting their endeavour. This supposedly grassroots movement is led by Putin.
Since 2011, the NLM (or RusNOD as it's commonly known in Russia) has been fomenting pro-Russian sentiments throughout "the Russian world" -- the Russky Mir, as Putin has encouraged Russians to say when referring to the lands of the former Russian and Soviet Empires.
During the crisis in Ukraine, the NLM has provoked separatist sentiment in Donetsk and elsewhere in eastern Ukraine, organized pro-war marches inside Russia, and attacked anyone who opposes Putin's partition of Ukraine. It provides a telephone helpline for "victims" in Ukraine of aggressions by "German-American interventionists" -- alluding to Soviet-era narratives warning of the threat posed by Nazi fascism and U.S. imperialism -- and warns these same outside forces to "prepare for a second Nuremberg" (referring to the post-World War II war crimes trials).
Formed in 2011, the NLM has adopted the Ribbon of St. George (a Tsarist-era symbol that today represents loyalty to the Kremlin) and the slogan "Motherland! Freedom! Putin!" -- redolent of the World War II-era Soviet call to arms "For the Motherland, For Stalin."
The movement combines radical anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism with Russian imperialism and a bizarre cult of personality around Putin. Its militant brand of liberation seeks to avenge Russia's "humiliation" -- its imperial collapse, economic hardship, and political disorder -- at the hands of the West during the 1990s and aims to "restore Russian sovereignty" throughout the former Soviet Union. As the Kremlin airs ever more aggressive anti-Western propaganda and marginalizes alternative voices in Russia, the popularity of groups like the NLM is increasing amongst Putin's traditional supporters.
The NLM's coordinator is Yevgeny Fedorov, a Duma deputy from St. Petersburg whose public profile has increased since the start of the Ukrainian crisis. Nationalist, xenophobic, and an ardent Putinist, Fedorov is fast becoming one of the most vocal supporters of Russian aggression on its Western borders. He has claimed that Putin is "saving the world from genocide" by amassing Russian troops on Ukraine's eastern border and that the United States wrote the Russian constitution. Fedorov recently made the headlines by calling for former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to be prosecuted for letting the USSR collapse, an event described by Putin as "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe" of the 20th century.
Včeraj so imeli v centru Moskve demonstracijo v podporo invazije na Ukrajino, ki je na srečo precej klavrno izzvenela.
Pripravljajo tudi referendum za spremembo ustave, ki bi dodelila še več pooblastil Putinu
google translate:
Nautsionalno osvobodilno gibanje se pripravlja na referendum za spremembo ustave.
- Posodobitev vlogo aktualnega predsednika Ruske federacije kot nacionalni vodja, vodja zdravih družbenih sil v boju za osvoboditev Rusije od kolonialne odvisnosti od Združenih držav Amerike, ki izhaja iz porazu ZSSR v hladni vojni;
- Doseganje resnično suverenost v politiki, gospodarstvu in kulturi;
- Zagotavljanje visoke kakovosti življenja ruskega naroda;
- Radikalno zvišanje ravni nacionalne konkurenčnosti Rusije;
- Vrnitev v državo na splošno priznanega statusa velesile;
- Zaščita pravic rusko govorečega prebivalstva v tujini;
- Oblikovanje novega političnega diskurza, ki ustvarja možnost za prevlado v političnem informacijskega prostora, ga je tožila pred nasprotniki zunaj države in opozicijo v državi;
- Ustvarjanje dodatnih informacij in ideološke spodbude za podpornike in ustvariti pogoje, da bi pritegnili s svojimi stranskimi neopredeljenih družbenopolitičnih plasti.
Tukaj Fedorov iz svoje pisarne v Dumi na začetku aprila razlaga, kako s pomočjo referenduma uzurpirati oblast po krimskem modelu