Uporabnik titov pravi:
Si še nisi prišel gor, da so ti videi in novice "What REALLY happend" ponavadi maliputivno in selektiven bullshit oseb, ki krajev, ki jih komentirajo niso videli niti od daleč? Imaš novico objavljeno v ruskem mediju z komentarji novinarjev, ki so bili tam...
Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
A ti malo mešaš Krim in zadnji referendum
Barkashov: Dima, just flog whatever you want. Write something like 99% down... Are you going to walk around and collect papers? Are you [cenzura] insane? Forget it, [cenzura] them all...
Boitsov: Got it.
Barkashov: Write that 99%... well, not 99%... let's say 89% voted for the Donetsk Republic. And that's it, [cenzura] shit.
The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic election commission, Roman Lyagin, told journalists several hours after the vote ended that 89.07% voted in favour of self-rule, with 10.19% against, with 0.74% of the ballots declared invalid.
Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
Ti dve pokrajini sta glasovali za neodvisnost, ne za priključitev.Citat:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Kaj so se rusi že zjasnili, kaj bodo s tema dvama pokrajinama, ki hočeta k njim? Prvo naredijo sranje, pol pa jih več ne zanima, ko dobijo, kar so želeli (krim)?
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
Matr si trd. Kar se dogaja v Ukrajini je isto, kot da bi pri nas recimo na Dolenjkem in Posavju živela močna priseljenska manjšina iz Hrvaške, katero bi Hrvaška naščuvala in bi hotela na svoje, pa čeprav bi mogoče v mestih bila močna, na podeželju šibka, bi vseeno organizirala posvetovalni referendum, kjer bi dobili 89% za odcepitev, seveda z goljufijo tako kot v Ukrajini, saj bi ta manjšina vseeno imela le 20 - 40 % vseh glasov.
Razumeš sedaj kako to tam zgleda? To so priseljenci in če jim kaj ne paše naj gredo nazaj na svoje stepe!
Lepo si pripravil pravljico. Jo bom povedal na drugačen način.
Tvojo manjšino zamenjajmo z Italijansko manjšino, ki žiivi na obali. V Ljubljani se zgodi oborožen puč, spodbujan in plačan iz tujine in legalno oblast se zamenja z nacionalistično oblastjo, ki prvi dan svoje vladavine ukine pravice manjšin. Po Ljubljani harajo nacistične skupine, ki obvladujejo in ustrahujejo meščane in kogarkoli, ki nima slovenskega porekla. Policija jih ne obvladuje.
Te skupine/odrede se 'zaposli' in oboroži v novo ustanovljeni para-vojaški organizaciji ala Nacionalna Garda, ki bo varovala Slovenijo.
Obala na referendumu razglasi occepitev od Slovenije in brani svoje meje od vpadov iz centralne Slovenije.
Če se ti zdi ta scenarij tako neverjeten, se je že zgodil v preteklosti:
The early Russian ethnic group, the Goriuns resided in Putivl (Putyvl) region (what is modern northern Ukraine) from medieval times.[3][4] The first new waves of Russian settlers onto Ukrainian territory came in the late 16th century to the empty lands of Slobozhanschyna, in what is now northeastern Ukraine, that the Russian state gained from the Tatars,[4] although they were outnumbered by Ukrainian peasants escaping harsh exploitative conditions from the west.[5]
In 1599 Tsar Boris Godunov ordered the construction of Tsareborisov on the banks of Oskol River, the first city and the first fortress in Eastern Ukraine. To defend the territory from Tatar raids the Russians built the Belgorod defensive line (1635–1658), and Ukrainians started fleeing to be under its defense.
More Russian speakers appeared in northern, central and eastern Ukrainian territories during the late 17th century, following the Cossack Rebellion led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The Uprising led to a massive movement of Ukrainian settlers to the Slobozhanschyna region, which converted it from a sparsely inhabited frontier area to one of the major populated regions of the Tsardom of Russia. Following the Pereyaslav Rada the modern northern and eastern parts of Ukraine entered into the Tsardom of Russia. This brought the first significant, but still small, wave of Russian settlers into central Ukraine (primarily several thousand soldiers stationed in garrisons,[5] out of a population of approximately 1.2 million non-Russians).[6]
A map of what was called as New Russia during the Russian Empire times. note: the map shows only the part which is today in Ukraine and Moldova
At the end of the 18th century, the Russian Empire captured large uninhabited steppe territories from the former Crimean Khanate. The systematic colonization of lands in what became known as Novorossiya (mainly Crimea, Taurida and around Odessa) began. Migrants from many ethnic groups (predominantly Ukrainians and Russians from Russia proper) came to this area.[7] At the same time the discovery of coal in the Donets Basin also marked the commencement of a large-scale industrialization and an influx of workers from other parts of the Russian Empire.
Nearly all of the major cities of the southern and eastern Ukraine were established in this period: Aleksandrovsk (now Zaporizhia; 1770), Yekaterinoslav (now Dnipropetrovsk; 1776), Kherson and Mariupol (1778), Sevastopol (1783), Simferopol and Novoaleksandrovka (Melitopol) (1784), Nikolayev (Mykolaiv; 1789), Odessa (1794), Lugansk (Luhansk; foundation of Luhansk plant in 1795).
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Da ne pozabimo:
<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>
Peaceful Maidan protester rams truck into crowd of unarmed riot police, 14 dead, many injured
Something you will never see in the Western media, certainly not here in Canada..
This event took place well before the first shots were fired at the Maidan (Kiev) uprising. According to an old school contact of mine in Kiev, the truck was driven by a representative of the Right Sector faction. This resulted in the death of 14 riot police and many more injured. It is rumored that the driver of this truck is one of the people on the list of 'martyrs' of the Maidan uprising now being celebrated in the newly formed parliament as a hero.
Sorry for the vertical camera work..
true, naslednji dan pa so neki kekci, klicarili v rusijo za priključitev.Citat:
Uporabnik jest5 pravi:
Ti dve pokrajini sta glasovali za neodvisnost, ne za priključitev.Citat:
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Kaj so se rusi že zjasnili, kaj bodo s tema dvama pokrajinama, ki hočeta k njim? Prvo naredijo sranje, pol pa jih več ne zanima, ko dobijo, kar so želeli (krim)?
Uporabnik sajkek pravi:
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
Da ne pozabimo:
<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>
Peaceful Maidan protester rams truck into crowd of unarmed riot police, 14 dead, many injured
Something you will never see in the Western media, certainly not here in Canada..
This event took place well before the first shots were fired at the Maidan (Kiev) uprising. According to an old school contact of mine in Kiev, the truck was driven by a representative of the Right Sector faction. This resulted in the death of 14 riot police and many more injured. It is rumored that the driver of this truck is one of the people on the list of 'martyrs' of the Maidan uprising now being celebrated in the newly formed parliament as a hero.
Sorry for the vertical camera work..
smo že ugotovili, da tam ni noben umrl, ampak samo s tega posnetka tako zgleda da jih 50 pokosil.navadni fajkerji in agitatorji.![]()
Po nedeljskem referendumu so v ponedeljek neodvisnost razglasili tudi v pokrajini Doneck na vzhodu Ukrajine. Samooklicane oblasti te regije so ob tem Rusijo zaprosile za sprejem v Rusko federacijo.
Začasni ukrajinski predsednik Oleksandr Turčinov je pred tem pred parlamentom dejal, da bodo na vzhodu Ukrajine nadaljevali protiteroristično operacijo s ciljem zaščite življenj in premoženja ukrajinskih državljanov. Ob tem je poudaril, da v regijah Doneck in Lugansk številne teroristične skupine nadaljujejo z ubijanji, mučenji in ugrabitvami ukrajinskih državljanov.