Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Kontra linkom andy-a, ki tako lepo lima rusko propagando. Sem pred časom nehal limat linke in tvite, pa sem opazil, kaj so drugi limali in moram prinesti malo balansa v temo![]()
It is absolutely abnormal due to any norms in a European city that Maidan is still occupied, that the buildings in Kiev are still occupied and in some other cities, that those who put on fire the buildings belonging to Communist party headquarters in Kiev, the buildings belonging to the Trade Union headquarters are not even under investigation. I don’t even want to mention the sniper cases because everyone forgot about those snipers. And we only hear that “Let’s concentrate on eliminating terrorist threats in the East and in the South”.
A spy from pro-american nationalistic paramilitary formation Dnepr-2 (created by Avakov who does not trust police anymore) was captured in Donetsk Peoples Republic. He admitted that his task was to gather information about checkpoints and main buildings. He also said that he was jobless and participated in Maidan riots for money but later was stopped being paid and now works for food.
Kdo pa pravi, da sem proti komu?Citat:
Uporabnik 8888 pravi:
In zakaj si proti Ukrajincem? So isto Slovani, samo od Rusov so jih že nekajkrat dobili, zato pa tak odpor proti fašistom iz Rusije.
Uporabnik AndY1 pravi:
A spy from pro-american nationalistic paramilitary formation Dnepr-2 (created by Avakov who does not trust police anymore) was captured in Donetsk Peoples Republic. He admitted that his task was to gather information about checkpoints and main buildings. He also said that he was jobless and participated in Maidan riots for money but later was stopped being paid and now works for food.
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Sicer dogodek je obsojanja vreden in nepotreben...
Ampak je pa zanimiva vojaska usposobljenost miroljubnih spontanih ruskih prebivalcev!
Neprofesionalna domobranska vojska ki deluje popolnoma profesionalno![]()
Zelo si duhovit.Citat:
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
Končno so žačel pucat gamad![]()
Dej no dej. Koliko je takih recimo Slovencev.Citat:
Uporabnik Kamele0N pravi:
No nazadnje sem jih imel čast spoznat na rehabilitaciji dol v Strunjanu.....prideš v postavš v vrsto..čakaš lepo..pride rus.....odrine starčka in si postreže pred 10m vrsto ki ga gleda! je to taki pač soBrezobrazni do amena![]()