Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Hvala za prispevek!

Pacman, Darjan in 4x8, kar dobro si ga oglejte - in celega. Kar poglejte si, kaj podpirate.


10. maj 2014
Prispevek je rezultat vodene ekskurzije s strani pro-ruske organizacije iz Nemčije. Najprej so imeli 2 dneva pranja mozga v Moskvi, nato še dva dneva vodenih ogledov v Donetsku. Razen poti v Moskvo je bilo vse brezplačno.

Da ne začnem o lažeh & polresnicah. Recimo tista o "ukinitvi" ruskega jezika.

Die Reise wurde von Europa Objektiv organisiert. Teilgenommen haben: Pepe Escobar („Asia Times“), James Carden („National Interest“), Janus Putkonen (, Irena Pan und Rok Plesnar (Pop-TV), Igor Pozgaj, Dragan Kelecevic (ATV), Vanja Savicevic ( ).

The 5-day program assumes:

Stage 1 – Moscow (2 days)

- On the first day you will be able to meet with prominent Russian political scientists, experts on Ukraine, politicians, and hear their opinions on Ukraine crisis.

- On the second day you will be able to see the exclusive video footages, photo and audio recordings captured by Russian journalists since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis, which have never been broadcasted by the western mass media. Furthermore we’ll organize the meeting with the authors of these materials. You can freely use them to create your own materials.

Stage 2 – Donbas – (2 days, by request)

- we plan to meet with representatives of Donbas militia troops

- you will be able to talk to local citizens

- authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic take over security issues and the possibility of maximum freedom of movement in Donetsk. As well as in Moscow “Europa Objektiv” will make video and audio recordings, these footages you can also use to create your own materials.

The aim of the press tour:

- to provide exclusive video and photo materials for alternative mass media in Europe

- to enable journalists to witness the truth about the events taking place in Donbas, to communicate with the victims of the war in the East Ukraine, to make your own decision about the reasons of the war in the contemporary Europe, to show the world community the facts, that are hidden by the mass media controlled by the current U.S. administration: the bloody revolution on the Maidan in Kiev, glorification and rebirth of the fascism in Ukraine, the reasons of the rebellion of the civil population in the East Ukraine.

In addition the opportunity to make your own journalistic materials, you will be able to take a part in the shooting of the collective documentary film (optional)

that is going to be spread among US and European mass media offices and on the Internet. The documentary will consist of 1.5-2 minutes reportages, that will be filmed by the participants of the press tour.


- Europa Objektiv provides accommodation in Moscow and in Donbas, and transport to and from Donbas. Participants will travel to Donbas by flying to Rostov (Russia), and then traveling by bus to Donetsk.

- All transport charges to Moscow to be paid by participants of the press tour.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik Pac_Man pravi:
Da ne začnem o lažeh & polresnicah. Recimo tista o "ukinitvi" ruskega jezika.

To je bil prvi zakon, ki ga je novo ustanovljena rada sprejela, na katerega je kasneje dal veto postavljeni predsednik. Mi, tukaj na forumu, ne pozabljamo.


12. jun 2008
Zgleda pozabljaš, je (vsaj) enkrat PacMan že obrazložil, da ni bil sprejet noben nov zakon, ampak je samo v ponovno veljavo prišel zakon iz leta 2009 (oz. nekje tu okoli).


10. maj 2014
23. februarja 2014 je šel predlog o nulifikaciji zakona o jezikih iz l. 2012 skozi parlamentarno proceduro. 3. marca 2014 je Tručinov izjavil, da nulifikacije ne bo podpisal. Celotna saga je trajala 8 dni. Če bi šla procedura skozi, pa ni, bi se samo povrnili na stanje pred 10. avgustom 2012, na stari zakon iz sovjetskih časov.

Jezikovne manjšine so več kot 20 let preživele pod staro ureditvijo, brez balvan revolucij. Ampak to se nekako ne sklada z RT scenarijem: "Ukrajina sprejema fašistične zakone, OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!11!" Zdaj, če želijo/te trdit, da je bil jezikovna politika v SZ fašistična, prosim lepo, kar naprej. Čevlji so na desni. Dober tek.

Vse skupaj se šteje za enega glavnih vzrokov krimskega anšlusa in sranja v Donbasu. Vseeno, zakon iz l. 2012 je še vedno veljaven in ni bil niti sekundo preklican. Morajo imet dobre pumpe, da jim uspe probleme tako napihnit.


Language policy in Ukraine is based on its Constitution, international obligations, and 2012 law "On the principles of the state language policy" (before 2012, the 1989 law "On the languages in the Ukrainian SSR" was in force).
The bill was adopted without any debate amid fistfights in the Ukrainian Parliament building on 3 July 2012. The opposition protested that the procedure of adopting the law was not respected. The law came into force on 10 August 2012.
On February 23, 2014, the second day after the flight of Viktor Yanukovich, while in a parliamentary session, a deputy from the "Batkivshchina" party, Vyacheslav Kyrylenko, moved to include in the agenda a bill to repeal the 2012 law "On the principles of the state language policy". The motion was carried with 86% of the votes in favor—232 deputies in favor vs 37 opposed against the required minimum of 226 of 334 votes. The bill was included in the agenda, immediately put to a vote with no debate and approved with the same 232 voting in favor.
Passage of the repeal bill was met with regret by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities expressed concern over possible further unrest. He also proposed to give advice and facilitate discussions on new legislation, declaring that “we must avoid the mistakes made last time [in 2012] when unbalanced legislation was adopted without a proper dialogue in the Verkhovna Rada.” The bill was also criticized by the Ambassador for Human Rights of the Russian foreign ministry.[51] Bulgarian and Romanian foreign ministers evaluated it as a step in the wrong direction, and the Greek foreign minister expressed disappointment.[53] The Hungarian foreign ministry expressed serious concerns, noting that the decision "could question the commitment of the new Ukrainian administration towards democracy". The Polish foreign minister called it a mistake.
After urgently ordering a working group to draft a replacement law on February 27, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov declared on 3 March that he will not be signing the repeal bill until a replacement law is adopted.

On 7 April 2014 former BYuT leader Yulia Tymoshenko stated she supported the 2012 language law.

On 3 November 2014, newly elected president Petro Poroshenko declared that the language policy in Ukraine will be amended.

At the present time (January 2015), repeal bill is not signed, but not vetoed by President, that current status is "ready for sign".


10. maj 2014
Takole izgleda razkladanje železniških vagonov polnih streliva. Menda Krasnodon, Luhanska oblast.



10. maj 2014
Vuhuhu, angleški tekst jezikovnega zakona iz l. 1989. I luv gugl.

V bistvu je tole zakon, ki bi bil "sprejet", če bi Turčinov dal svoj avtogramček. Madafakin' fašistično sranje, torej.


The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic acknowledges the vital and societal value of all national languages and guarantees the national cultural and linguistic rights to its citizens without reservation, assuming that only the free development and equal standing of national languages, the high linguistic culture are the basis of the mutual spiritual understanding, reciprocal cultural enrichment and strengthening of the friendship between people.
The development of the understanding of the social value of the Ukrainian language as the state language of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Russian language as the language of the interethnic communication of peoples of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics among citizens regardless of their national affiliation shall be the duty of the state, party and public bodies and mass media of the Republic. The choice of the language of the interpersonal communication among citizens of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic shall be an inalienable right of citizens themselves.
The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic shall create the conditions required for the development and use of languages of other nations in the Republic.

The national languages may be used together with the Ukrainian language in activities of the state, party, public bodies, enterprises, institutions and organisations located in places of residence of the majority of citizens of other nationalities (towns, districts, village and settlement councils, villages, their totalities).

If the citizens of another nationality constituting the majority of the population of the said administrative and territorial units or populated areas are not sufficiently fluent in the national language or if several nationalities reside within boundaries of such administrative and territorial units or populated areas and none of such nationalities is in majority among the population of the locality in question, the Ukrainian language or the language acceptable for the whole population may be used in the work of the said bodies and organisations.

In the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Ukrainian, Russian and other languages shall be the interethnic communication languages.

The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic shall provide for the free use of the Russian language as the interethnic communication language of people of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
A citizen shall be entitled to address the state, party, public bodies, enterprises, institutions and organisations in Ukrainian or another language of their work, in Russian or in a language acceptable for the parties.
The decision on the substance of the application shall be formalised in Ukrainian or in another language of activities of the body or the organisation, which the citizen addressed. At citizen’s option, such decision may be issued to him translated in the Russian language.
Officials of state, party, public bodies, institutions and organisations shall be fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, and, if necessary, in another national language in the extent required for the exercise of their duties.

The citizen’s non-fluency in Ukrainian or Russian shall not constitute the basis for the refusal of employment. After the employment, the official shall become fluent in the language of activities of the body or organisation in the extent required for the exercise of duties.
Acts of the highest state authorities and administrative bodies of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic shall be adopted in Ukrainian and published in Ukrainian and Russian.

Acts of republican ministries and agencies, local authorities and administrative bodies of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic shall be adopted and published in Ukrainian; if necessary, they shall also be published in another national language.

Inscriptions on seals, stamps and letterheads of the state, party, public bodies, enterprises, institutions and organisations in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic shall be in Ukrainian or in Ukrainian and Russian.
In cases covered by part two of Article 3 hereof, a national language of the majority of population of a certain area or, in cases covered by part three of the said Article, a language acceptable for the population of such area may be the language of activities, records and documentation together with the Ukrainian language.
In cases covered by part two of Article 3 hereof, a national language of the majority of the population of a certain area or, in cases covered by part three of the said article, the language acceptable for the population of such area may be the language of congresses, sessions, conferences, plenary sessions, meetings, other gatherings of the state, party, public bodies, enterprises, institutions and organisations together with the Ukrainian language.

The court procedures in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic shall be in Ukrainian.

In cases covered by part two of Article 3 hereof, a national language of the majority of the population of a certain area or, in cases covered by part three of the said article, the language acceptable for the population of such area may be the language of court proceedings.

The free choice of the language of education shall be an inalienable right of citizens of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
In the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the educational and upbringing work in the general education schools shall be conducted in Ukrainian.

In places of the compact residence of citizens of other nationalities, the general education schools may be set up with the educational and upbringing work to be conducted in their national or another language.

In cases covered by part three of Article 3 hereof, schools may be set up with the language of the educational and upbringing work to be jointly chosen by parents of schoolchildren.

In general education schools, separate classes may be set up with the educational and upbringing work to be conducted in the Ukrainian language or the language of the population of another nationality respectively.

The study of the Ukrainian and Russian languages in all general education schools shall be mandatory.
In the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Ukrainian language shall be the language of official mass media.

Languages of other nationalities may also be the languages of official mass media.

In cel kup podobnih. I over c&p'd.

Mislim, da se lepo vidi bistvo. Ukrajinščina je uradni jezik, ampak komurkoli preprečit oz. onemogočit uporabu ruščine je ilegalno. Fakin' fašisti, na barikade!!!!!!
Nazadnje urejeno:


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
sej sem vas mel skos na sumu da ste ti Matey in Andy1 weekend borci....pazite na zlatne feltne na Mateyevem bmwju


10. maj 2014
Verjetno isti dogodek kot na videu od včeraj. Dva idiota sta se slikala pred vlakom ruskih železnic (logo na levi), ki je bil poln streliva in to objavila online. V okolici Krasnodona. Kar se je dalo geolocirat.



Rusija jih oskrbuje kar po železnici, tako da se lahko dogajajo take stvari:

Obstreljevanje Debalceva med obleganjem. 7 min z 2+ eksplozij/s.

Malo matematike nam da 840+ izstreljenih granat. V 7ih minutah. 7200/uro.

Zgoraj so teže izstrelkov& polnjenja. Vzemimo zelo konzervativno oceno 30kg/izstrelek in 10 kg/polnjenje.

33.6t+ v videu, 288t+/uro ob podobni frekvenci.

Navaden ladijski kontejner lahko nosi 26.5t. Skoraj 11 kontejnerjev/uro, če je problem volumen še več.


13. sep 2007
Zanimivo, da lahko "neki uporniki" nagrabijo toliko tankov v tako kratkem času...očitno se gre za visoko šolan, sposoben, motiviran in na sploh armijo čuk norrisov al kaj?

Zanimivo, kaj lahko spontani upor prinese, nikoli ne bi rekel, da je kaj takega možno brez pomoči nekoga "večjega"...oh wait...


6. sep 2007
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Zanimivo, kaj lahko spontani upor prinese, nikoli ne bi rekel, da je kaj takega možno brez pomoči nekoga "večjega"...oh wait...

Toplo vodo že imamo veš.