Napetost v Ukrajini - Krimu


10. maj 2014



13. sep 2007
BRUSSELS — Warning that Russia was pushing the conflict in Ukraine toward “the point of no return,” the president of the European Union’s executive arm said on Saturday that European leaders meeting in Brussels would probably endorse new and tougher sanctions in an effort to make Moscow “come to reason.”


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
European Union leaders meeting in Belgium on Saturday were preparing to hand down additional sanctions on Russia for its continual meddling in Ukraine.

... Ker v Ukraino se vtikata lahko samo EU in USA.


Osebje foruma
18. sep 2007
Hvala! Zelel sem videti original, ker krozilo je ze veliko ponaredkov, med drugim to da separatisti grozijo zidovski skupnosti v Ukraini.

Na BBCju sem prebral, da naj bi Rusi zravnali eno celo vas. So kaksni posnetki, fotke?

A Ukrainian military spokesman said on Saturday that Russian tanks had attacked the town of Novosvitlivka near Luhansk and "destroyed virtually every house".
Nazadnje urejeno:


13. sep 2007
European Union leaders stopped short of imposing new economic sanctions on Russia in response to the latest developments in Ukraine early Sunday, instead tasking the organization's executive body to "urgently" prepare tougher economic sanctions that could be adopted within a week after Ukraine's president warned of a possible "full-scale war" in eastern Europe.

Izbrisan uporabnik #488

Problem je, da Rusi ne napadajo iz zraka, pol bi hitro uredili ukr. fašiste


2. mar 2010
Uporabnik nacek pravi:
Še en pogled na Ukrajino

Kljub nepredstavljivi revščini je med Ukrajinci več upanja, da bo tudi zanje še posijalo svetlejše sonce kot med Slovenci, pravi sestra Jožica Sterle, ki že devet let živi v Kijevu.
EU & ZDA sta skupaj na celi črti nategnili UKR, ko jim garantirali ozemeljsko celovitost napram Rusiji, če se odrežejo jedrskemu orožju.

Saj Putka je psiho (ex kgb, čin polkovnika), vendar če bi UKR imela nukice bi jih Rusi pustili pri miru.


10. maj 2014
19/84! Russian and European fascists reverse the 1945 Yalta Conference

Everybody who is following the developments in Ukraine, which is now under a direct attack from Russia, has perhaps noticed that Putin's propaganda machine is joyfully playing with meanings and concepts turning them upside down.

The deliberate confusion that Putin's Russia produces and the inverted concepts it employs have an ideological underpinning: Russia is trying to hide its right-wing extremist attempts to undermine the post-war liberal-democratic order in Europe under the guise of "anti-fascist struggle".

One particular event scheduled for the end of August is especially indicative of this strategy.

On 29-31 August 2014, an international conference called "Russia, Ukraine, New Russia: global problems and challenges" will take place in Yalta, situated in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea currently occupied by Russia. There will be around a hundred of participants, but some of them deserve special attention:

Frank Creyelman (far right Vlaams Belang, Belgium)
Luc Michel (neo-Nazi Parti Communautaire National-Européen, Belgium)
Pavel Chernev (far right Ataka, Bulgaria)
Angel Djambazki (far right Bulgarsko Natsionalno Dvizhenie, Bulgaria)
Erkki Johan Bäckman (neo-Stalinist, Finland)
Márton Gyöngyösi (fascist Jobbik, Hungary)
Giovanni Maria Camillacci (far right Lega Nord, Italy)
Roberto Fiore (fascist Forza Nuova, Italy)
Mateusz Piskorski (far right Samooborona, Poland)
Konrad Rêkas (far right Samooborona, Poland)
Bartosz Bekier (neo-Nazi Falanga, Poland)
Nick Griffin (fascist British National Party, UK)

The participation of these European right-wing extremists along with dozens of their Russian "comrades" in the conference on "global problems and challenges" implies one simple message:

The Kremlin-led "Fascist International" is going to Yalta to symbolically reverse the results of the Yalta Conference that was held there in 1945 and where the leaders of the anti-Hitler alliance discussed the post-war reorganization of Europe.

In a truly Orwellian fashion, at this conference in Yalta, right-wing extremists from Europe and Russia will take part in the foundation of the "Anti-fascist Council of the Russian Federation".

It's no longer 14/88! - now it's 19/84!

American White Nationalists To Hold Conference With Russian And European Far Right

The white nationalist think tank the National Policy Institute is holding a conference in October in Hungary that will feature Alexander Dugin, a Russian nationalist thinker who is increasingly popular in Kremlin circles.
It’s part of an effort to reach out to “European traditionalists” all over the world, he said, and the relationship with Dugin is just beginning: a publishing arm attached to NPI will publish a book this fall by Dugin, who this week called for Ukraine to be “cleansed” of the Ukrainian “race of bastards.”
Apart from Dugin, the conference will also host Márton Gyöngyösi, a leader of Jobbik, Hungary’s extremist far right political party.

Kdo je naci?


10. maj 2014
Še malo materiala z vikend konference:

Please help to identify participants of the Yalta conference

Far right in the first row: Erkki Johan Bäckman. Who else is there?

Erkki Johan Bäckman (born 18 May 1971) is a Finnish political activist, author, legal sociologist and criminologist. In Russia he is also considered a human rights activist, defending especially rights of Russian citizens abroad. In his home country Finland he is considered merely a dissident, and persona non grata in Estonia.
In March 2014 Bäckman was invited to participate as observer by the Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Elections (EODE), a far-right Russia-based self-proclaimed election monitoring organization, in disputed Crimean status referendum which resulted annexation of Crimea by Russia. Bäckman stated that he saw no violations and considered referendum to be in framework of international law.

Eurasian Observatory for Democracy and Elections (EODE) is a Russia-based far-right non-governmental organization which on its website claims that it monitors elections. According to its website, it specializes in the "self-proclaimed republics" (Abkhazia, Transdnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh).It is led by the Belgian far-right activist Luc Michel. EODE's other leader is Jean-Pierre Vandersmissen. Both Michel and Vandermissen are followers of the Belgian Neo-Nazi politician Jean-François Thiriart.

Mislim, lahko bi vrtal naprej ampak se mi ne da c&p. Klikajte sami. Tone se samo še globlje v fašističen gnoj.

The man in a blue shirt is Roberto Fiore; who is the black shirt? The man in a red shirt is Yuriy Pershikov.

Roberto Fiore (born 15 April 1959 in Rome) is an Italian politician and a founding member of the European third position (terzo polo) movement which is against both communism and capitalism. He is the leader of the Italian party Forza Nuova. He self-identified as a fascist.
Fiore is generally considered to be a neofascist leader. In England Fiore became a close friend of Nick Griffin and following Griffin's departure from the National Front he helped to organise the International Third Position, becoming a founding member.
In 2009 he gave a speech at the British National Party's annual Red White & Blue Festival.

New Force (Forza Nuova, FN) is an Italian far-right political party. Founded by Roberto Fiore and Massimo Morsello, and supporting the ideas of Julius Evola, the party is a member of the European National Front and was a part of the Social Alternative from 2003 to 2006. The party has often been heavily criticized for its radical positions and for acts of violence involving some militants. It was also the protagonist of political campaigns openly opposed to homosexual marriage and illegal immigration.
The political movement claims to aim for "national reconstruction" by achieving eleven objectives:
1. The repeal of abortion law.
2. A social policy that encourages population growth and the traditional family.
3. Opposition to immigration and the humane repatriation of recent immigrants to Italy.
4. The fight against the Mafia, the banning of Freemasonry and all secret societies, together with exit from NATO and removal from the U.S. sphere of influence.
5. The fight against usury and writing off of public debt, as well as the abolition of capitalism.
6. The restoration of the 1929 agreement between the State and the Church and the defence of national identity.
7. The repeal of the Mancino and Scelba laws, which the Forza Nuova believes destroy freedom.
8. The formation of guilds for the protection of workers.
9. The abolition of the Regions.
10. Laws to eliminate seigniorage banking income and for the state to issue currency; complementary currencies for local trade, and the nationalization of the following sectors: health, the central bank, commercial banks and strategic industries;
11. The "recovery of Christian religiosity" and of "faith in the Catholic Church".

New Force is also characterized by Euroscepticism; Roberto Fiore, FN leader, stated that he wanted to oppose "with all possible legal means" the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

Kdo je naci?


12. jun 2008
To je že dalj časa znano, da Rusi podpirajo skrajne nacionalisitične stranke po EU državah, ker so vsi po vrsti usmerjeni proti Evropski Uniji, na ta način bi radi destabilizirali unijo, saj sem pred časom nalimal intervju z ruskin zunanjim ministrom kjer odkrito govori o teh povezavah.