Morda sem prvi, ki javno tak primer napiše, ampak stvar je sledeča.
Kupujem vozilo iz tujine (Belgija). Na internetu (mobile.de) sem našel oglas in kontaktiral prodajalca. Gre se za fizično osebo (žensko), ki prodaja vozilo v Belgiji, ona pa se nahaja v drugi državi.
Ko sem jo kontaktiral in pokazal zanimanje za nakup njenega vozila, mi je odpisala naslednje (nima objavljene telefonske številke, zato komunicirava prek e-maila):
Hello, Thank you for contacting me about my car. The car is still available for sale. It is in excellent condition, never involved in an accident, without any scratches or any kind of damage, no engine problems. I worked for the last year in Belgium and bought the car there but I moved back home to Sweden one week ago. My intention was to take the car with me but when I found out about the import duties and restrictions regarding registration and emissions tests here I've changed my mind and I've decided to sell the vehicle. The amount you will have to pay in order to own this car is XY EUR! For a safe transaction the financial part of this deal will be managed by a third party, in this way both of us will be protected. They will keep the payment until you receive the car and test it. So if you are really interested and looking to buy the car, please email me as soon as possible. Thank you.
Odpisal sem ji nazaj, da sem zainteresiran za ogled in testno vožnjo vozila ter naj mi pove več informacij, kako se zmenimo za ogled saj je ona v drugi državi.
Danes mi je odpisala naslednje:
Hello, My apologies for the late reply, I just got back home and was not able to access my email until now. I've attached you the pictures (poslala mi je nekaj čez 30 fotografij avtomobila). The car is already in a shipping company possession, ready for delivery, so No pick up is available. I asked them to allow viewers to go there and inspect the car but their reply was "We are not a showroom!" In this case, I will offer a 15-day period to inspect the car from the moment you receive it. The final price is XY EUR and I will pay for shipping. The delivery agent will take care of all the papers. The title, 2x keys, service book are provided. Everything will be sent along with the car. I will only conclude the transaction through eBay for our own protection. They act as a neutral third party. I shall explain to you the process, so that you know what you are getting into! If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact eBay and provide them all the necessary information, so they can start the process right away. I will be needing your eBay user name (if you have one), full name, address and phone number for that. You will receive a notification from eBay shortly after that, together with all the instructions to follow and the invoice as well. Regarding the payment, you will be instructed to deposit the money to an eBay bank account. They will hold and insure your money until receipt of the vehicle in good condition. That is how their buyer protection policy is working. As far as the seller concerns, I will be glad to know that eBay has the possession of the money during the delivery period. That is my insurance. As soon as I will have the confirmation from eBay that the funds have been deposited to their account, I will immediately start the shipping process. The car will be delivered to your address in no more than 5 working days. You will be given a 15 days inspection period from the day you receive the car at home. If you decide to hold the car, then you will have to authorize eBay to release the funds to me, and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the vehicle, you will be able to send it back through the same shipping company, and ask eBay to return the funds to you. Though I am sure you will love the car and will not want to return it, it is good to know that you do have this second option available. If you wish to proceed with the purchase, please provide me your eBay user name (only if you are eBay member), your full name, address for delivery and phone number so I can initiate the deal through eBay right away. If you do not have an eBay account this is not an issue, we can do business through my account, even if you are not registered with eBay; as my buyer you will be fully covered by them. Or if you want feedback on eBay, you can sign up with eBay in your country, it is very easy and free and you can have an eBay user name instantly. I hope I explained everything to you ok. After we complete all these above steps I can only hope that you should be fully satisfied as the new owner of my car. Kind regards.
Torej - prvič se ukvarjam z nakupom iz tujine in prvič vidim, da očitno obstaja tudi ta možnost
Kaj menite - je to varno? Ima kdo podobne izkušnje?
Morda sem prvi, ki javno tak primer napiše, ampak stvar je sledeča.
Kupujem vozilo iz tujine (Belgija). Na internetu (mobile.de) sem našel oglas in kontaktiral prodajalca. Gre se za fizično osebo (žensko), ki prodaja vozilo v Belgiji, ona pa se nahaja v drugi državi.
Ko sem jo kontaktiral in pokazal zanimanje za nakup njenega vozila, mi je odpisala naslednje (nima objavljene telefonske številke, zato komunicirava prek e-maila):
Hello, Thank you for contacting me about my car. The car is still available for sale. It is in excellent condition, never involved in an accident, without any scratches or any kind of damage, no engine problems. I worked for the last year in Belgium and bought the car there but I moved back home to Sweden one week ago. My intention was to take the car with me but when I found out about the import duties and restrictions regarding registration and emissions tests here I've changed my mind and I've decided to sell the vehicle. The amount you will have to pay in order to own this car is XY EUR! For a safe transaction the financial part of this deal will be managed by a third party, in this way both of us will be protected. They will keep the payment until you receive the car and test it. So if you are really interested and looking to buy the car, please email me as soon as possible. Thank you.
Odpisal sem ji nazaj, da sem zainteresiran za ogled in testno vožnjo vozila ter naj mi pove več informacij, kako se zmenimo za ogled saj je ona v drugi državi.
Danes mi je odpisala naslednje:
Hello, My apologies for the late reply, I just got back home and was not able to access my email until now. I've attached you the pictures (poslala mi je nekaj čez 30 fotografij avtomobila). The car is already in a shipping company possession, ready for delivery, so No pick up is available. I asked them to allow viewers to go there and inspect the car but their reply was "We are not a showroom!" In this case, I will offer a 15-day period to inspect the car from the moment you receive it. The final price is XY EUR and I will pay for shipping. The delivery agent will take care of all the papers. The title, 2x keys, service book are provided. Everything will be sent along with the car. I will only conclude the transaction through eBay for our own protection. They act as a neutral third party. I shall explain to you the process, so that you know what you are getting into! If we decide to proceed with this transaction, I will have to contact eBay and provide them all the necessary information, so they can start the process right away. I will be needing your eBay user name (if you have one), full name, address and phone number for that. You will receive a notification from eBay shortly after that, together with all the instructions to follow and the invoice as well. Regarding the payment, you will be instructed to deposit the money to an eBay bank account. They will hold and insure your money until receipt of the vehicle in good condition. That is how their buyer protection policy is working. As far as the seller concerns, I will be glad to know that eBay has the possession of the money during the delivery period. That is my insurance. As soon as I will have the confirmation from eBay that the funds have been deposited to their account, I will immediately start the shipping process. The car will be delivered to your address in no more than 5 working days. You will be given a 15 days inspection period from the day you receive the car at home. If you decide to hold the car, then you will have to authorize eBay to release the funds to me, and the transaction will be completed. If you will not be satisfied with the vehicle, you will be able to send it back through the same shipping company, and ask eBay to return the funds to you. Though I am sure you will love the car and will not want to return it, it is good to know that you do have this second option available. If you wish to proceed with the purchase, please provide me your eBay user name (only if you are eBay member), your full name, address for delivery and phone number so I can initiate the deal through eBay right away. If you do not have an eBay account this is not an issue, we can do business through my account, even if you are not registered with eBay; as my buyer you will be fully covered by them. Or if you want feedback on eBay, you can sign up with eBay in your country, it is very easy and free and you can have an eBay user name instantly. I hope I explained everything to you ok. After we complete all these above steps I can only hope that you should be fully satisfied as the new owner of my car. Kind regards.
Torej - prvič se ukvarjam z nakupom iz tujine in prvič vidim, da očitno obstaja tudi ta možnost

Kaj menite - je to varno? Ima kdo podobne izkušnje?
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