Novo leto, novi virus. A je ze kaksna tema odprta? Sedaj se je ocitno zacel siriti nek virus opičje mrzlice. Vsak dan odkrijejo vec primerov, prenosljivost je nizja kot pri covidu, smrtnost pa visja.
so pa ocitno virus razsirili gayi in biseksualci. Vsi oboleli so moski, pogoste bolece razjede, tudi na penisu
Virus je manj prenosljiv od covida, pa bolj smrten.

17 suspected monkeypox cases seen in Montreal, as European tally increases
Health officials in Montreal said they were investigating 17 suspected cases of monkeypox, likely adding Canada to the list of countries in the Americas and Europe that are reporting recent infections.

so pa ocitno virus razsirili gayi in biseksualci. Vsi oboleli so moski, pogoste bolece razjede, tudi na penisu
Monkeypox outbreak: UK health experts warn gay, bisexual men against the virus
Monkeypox has not previously been described as a sexually transmitted infection, though it can be passed on by direct contact during sex. It can also be passed on through close contact with a person who has monkeypox or contact with clothing or linens used by a person who has monkeypox.