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Uporabnik Floki pravi:
Če bo kdo investiral v Sirijo bodo to Kitajci ker so edini ki imajo denar, Rusi ga nimajo oni bodo kvečjemu zahtevali povrnitev vojaške pomoči. Kitajci bodo dali denar če kdo ampak seveda ne zastonj.
Sploh ves kaj pomeni obnova? Kaksni k. Kitajci
After World War II, the United States contributed some $13 billion to the Marshall Plan to support the rebuilding of Europe, the equivalent of well over $100 billion in today’s dollars. The bill for Syrian reconstruction, though impossible to estimate with any precision, is likely to be hundreds of billions of dollars.
Where will these funds come from?
Unfortunately, the math does not add up. The United States, Europe and other advanced economies will be expected to contribute generously to any Syrian political settlement. But even a several billion dollar annual joint commitment fully sustained for a decade probably will not cover more than a quarter of the need. And the collapse of oil prices – and the austerity budgets in oil exporting countries that have followed – means that resources from the Gulf monarchies, which have helped fund everything in recent decades from the first U.S. invasion of Iraq to the Egyptian government, will likely not approach the scale that is needed.
p.s.: pa ne zgleda da bodo prispevali karkoli, kaj sele miljarde vsako leto prihodnjih XX let