Že včeraj sem ti napisal da na googlu vse piše. sam kliknit bi moral in mal pobrskal pa bi našel marsikaj....
SIcer pa:
- upam da imaš nov vztrajnik in ne kakega rabljenaga. Zamenjava z rabljenim je enako kot da nebi zamenjal ničesar. Pa še razmeroma poceni je komplet za tvoj avto
Serious vehicle vibration, engine noise and transmission rattle at low engine
speed can be due to a damaged / worn dual mass fl ywheel, which will also
generate metal debris that can cause starter motor seizure/failure.
The fi tting of a 4-in-1 DMF replacement kit will alleviate these problems, and the
proven solid fl ywheel technology will also make the clutch more durable.
1. Dismantle the vehicle removing the gearbox then clutch and fl ywheel being
careful not to damage the fl ywheel sensor
2. IMPORTANT - Every single component that is contained in the HKF1001 box
must be replaced as they have been matched for compatibility (see photo>
3. Fit the replacement solid type fl ywheel, making sure the fl ywheel to
crankshaft mounting face is clean and free from damage and that all oil
seals and ancillary components are in good condition.
Kompleten dokument s slikovnim gradivom pa si najdi na netu.