Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Ne vem če sodi v to temo, tebi se zdi da?
Uporabnik legionar pravi:
Ja vemo, da sedaj pogrešajo Scotty-ja. One ve podrobnosti.
Uporabnik darjan pravi:
Iz Kijeva so sporočili, da podatki iz črnih skrinjic potrjujejo, da je strmoglavljenje malezijskega letala zakrivila eksplozija rakete s šrapneli. Medtem pa je Nizozemska z Ukrajino dosegla dogovor o mednarodni misiji, ki bo skrbela za varnost na prizorišču.
However, the Dutch Safety Board (DSB), which is heading the investigation into the crash, was puzzled by statements coming from Kiev. According to DSB spokeswoman Sara Vernooij, the “premature” release of details of MH17 black boxes is “not in the best interest of the investigation.”
Speaking to The Independent, Vernooij refused to confirm the claims or comment on the nature of the source used by Lysenko, saying that the board was not going to release anything until the crashed plane’s black boxes are analyzed in full.
“We want to analyze [and] combine information of several sources before we bring out anything, so we can give a coherent view on the whole investigation. Bringing out fragmented pieces of information is not on behalf of the investigation,” Vernooij was quoted as saying.
The Dutch team leading the investigation into flight MH17 won't be happy that a Ukrainian security official has apparently jumped the gun on the black box data results. I'm told there were Ukrainian investigators in the room at the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch in Farnborough last week when they checked that data, so it seems reasonable to assume this official knows something.
But still, the Dutch are hoping to publish their own more detailed and more rounded report later this week, pooling together everything they've learned so far.
Several former accident investigators have said to me that the black boxes will only tell us so much. To state the obvious, they are designed to highlight mechanical problems, not identify missile attacks. The flight data recorder could pick up evidence of an aircraft decompression, but it won't necessarily tell us why. The cockpit voice recorder may also pick up the sound of an external explosion.
In the end, experts will need more than the black boxes to work out what happened. They'll need to see the wreckage, the bodies and the American satellite data which the US says shows a missile was fired from rebel territory.
Uporabnik Cash pravi:
Kaj je sedaj z ono teorijo, ki jo je Igi prilepil, da je MH-370 kao MH-17. Ve kdo več?![]()