Vir je očitno ocenjen kot kredibilen.
Ampak, vedno je ampak:
In 2016, a blogger named Scott Johnson began to
write about Ilhan Omar and her personal life. PJ Media later picked up the story and investigated Omar’s marriages in further detail. Johnson’s 2016 story charged that in 2009, Omar may have married her own brother “for fraudulent purposes.” Johnson based his charge off of a claim he spotted in a Somali- American discussion board (that posting has since been deleted). However, Johnson’s stories about Omar don’t present any evidence that Omar’s second husband was her brother; the theory seems to be based entirely off of that deleted post on the Somali-American discussion board.
The AP and the
Star Tribune have both said they were unable to reach Elmi for comment. They said that Omar also declined to provide a list of her siblings, making it difficult to definitively prove, or disprove, the allegations against her. But neither AP not the Star Tribune found anything to support the allegation that Elmi is related by blood to Omar.
Osnovna trditev je očitno izbrisana. Potem so pa govorice, ker somalski muslimanski pa že ne bomo dovolili biti v parlamentu. Saj to je vendar hram demokracije rezerviran za bele moške.
Beli desni rasisti pa onanirajo(te).
In Obama je bil rojen v Keniji.
PS. In da je še bolj zabavno, glede na to od kod ona izhaja, je teoretično čisto možno da se je poročila z bratom, ker v begunskem kampu so bili dokumenti manjši problem. Brez njih si preživel, brez hrane in zdravil pač ne.