Lepote multikulturnosti 4


2. mar 2010
Poleg vsega pa je še vsaj tretjina Finske (Karelija) pod Rusijo.
Play stupid games, win stupid prize (winter + continuation war, sodelovanje z malarjem med ww2) in nemško obleganje Leningrada.

Ne glede kako jokajo, so jo še zelo dobro na koncu odnesli, če smo realni.

Od konca ww2 so prišli malo k pameti.
Sedaj jim je spet ven udarilo.


3. sep 2007
Včasih je potrebna malce širša slika:

Here are some key reasons why Finland collaborated with Germany during World War II:

  1. Continuation War (1941-1944): Finland's collaboration with Germany primarily occurred during the Continuation War, which began when Finland launched an offensive against the Soviet Union in 1941. Finland sought to regain territory that had been lost during the Winter War (1939-1940) when the Soviet Union invaded Finland. Germany was also at war with the Soviet Union at this time, and the two countries shared a common enemy.
  2. Geographic proximity: Finland's geographic location made it strategically important during World War II. It shared a long border with the Soviet Union, and the Finnish government was concerned about Soviet aggression. Collaboration with Germany was seen as a way to protect Finland's sovereignty and security interests.
  3. Defensive stance: Finland's leaders viewed their actions in the Continuation War as a defensive measure to protect the country's independence and security. They emphasized that their primary goal was to regain lost territory and not to support Germany's broader war aims.
  4. Diplomatic balancing act: Finland tried to maintain a delicate diplomatic balance. While collaborating with Germany to some extent, Finland also sought to avoid becoming too closely aligned with the Nazi regime. Finland resisted some German demands, such as deporting its Jewish population, which was not carried out.
  5. Armistice and peace treaty: As the tide of the war began to turn against Germany, Finland began seeking ways to disengage from the conflict. In 1944, Finland signed an armistice with the Soviet Union, leading to the end of the Continuation War. This was followed by the signing of the Moscow Armistice and the Paris Peace Treaty in 1947, which officially ended the state of war between Finland and the Allies.
In summary, Finland's collaboration with Nazi Germany during World War II was driven by a combination of factors, including a perceived need to protect its independence and security, a shared enemy in the Soviet Union, and the complex diplomatic realities of the time. It's important to note that Finland's actions during the war have been a subject of historical debate, and different perspectives exist on the extent of its collaboration with Germany.
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21. sep 2023
Mejduš golazen, nima veze črni-beli
O ja, pa ima veliko veze. Ker tole, kar se dogaja, je točno posledica butastega "antirasisitičnega" ujčkanja črnih in posledično njihovo prepričanje, da so žrtve in da jim vse pripada. Pelje se tudi politika nekaznovanja, marsikaj se oprosti, če si črn, ker so kao preveč preganjanji.
Pa če zaradi tega izpadem rasist, pač sem. Enkrat bo treba tole začet naglas govorit, ker gre pri nas v EU v isti smeri z migranti.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: sad in Kamele0N

Samo Svoj

27. jan 2022
O ja, pa ima veliko veze. Ker tole, kar se dogaja, je točno posledica butastega "antirasisitičnega" ujčkanja črnih in posledično njihovo prepričanje, da so žrtve in da jim vse pripada. Pelje se tudi politika nekaznovanja, marsikaj se oprosti, če si črn, ker so kao preveč preganjanji.
Pa če zaradi tega izpadem rasist, pač sem. Enkrat bo treba tole začet naglas govorit, ker gre pri nas v EU v isti smeri z migranti.
Namesto črni vnesi žid in dobiš identično stanje. Vse "kredite" dobljene po WW2 so si zapravili v enem mesecu.
  • Všeč mi je
Reactions: aljoman


21. nov 2007
Finci so se osamosvajali 99 let in Rusov reees ne marajo.
Zanimivo je, kako so jo Finci po koncu vojne poceni odnesli. Rusi so okupirali vse baltske države, ki so kolaborirale z Nemci, razen Finske. Morda je to, da so bili prijatelji res pretirano, po drugi strani je pa tudi res, da so se do pred dveh let, zelo dobro prenašali. Imeli so močno trgovinsko menjavo in na Finskem se je kar trlo ruskih turistov. Meja praktično ni bila varovana in v bližini te meje je kar nekaj mest z večinsko ruskimi prebivalci, ki so jih Finci puščali pri miru.


20. jan 2010