Francija je zanimiva država.
Nima niti enega zlatega rudnika.
"Which Countries Have the Largest Gold Reserves in the World?
The holders of the largest gold reserves in the world are the
U.S. (with 8,133.5 tons),
Germany (with 3,359.1 tons),
Italy (with 2,451.8 tons),
France (with 2,436.5 tons),
Russia (with 2,301.6 tons).
Mali (ex Francoska kolonija) ima nekaj malega zlatih rudnikov:
"As the fourth largest goldproducer in Africa, Mali is home to over 350 artisanal gold-mining sites alongside multiple corporate mining projects."
Mali nima zlatih rezerv. (Slovenija ima 3,8 t)
This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - Gold Reserves. This page provides values for Gold Reserves reported in several countries. The table has current values for Gold Reserves, previous releases, historical highs...
Očitno, kljub nekaterim trditvam, da Francija nima nič več z Afriko in naj gredo Afričani kar lepo nazaj, še vedno vlečejo nekaj k sebi.
Od jan 2022 do jan 2023 so povečali rezerve za cca 400 kg zlata.