Lepote multikulturnosti 4


8. jan 2008
To je jasno, in zgodovina temu pritrjuje. Obstajajo primeri, ko je muslimanom ob samo 10 % deležu prebivalstva uspelo vsiliti šeriatsko pravo.
Še manj.
V Afganistanu je bilo na začetku talibanov samo ca. 50.000 in so si z brutalnim terorjem uspeli podrediti 30+ milijonsko državo.
Ko se začnejo sekati glave in ženske polivati s kislino se narod hitro upogne... :zavijazocmi:


3. sep 2007
"Islam is the official religion of Afghanistan and the majority of the population is Muslim (approximately 99.7%). The Afghan government is established as a Sunni Islamic Republic."

Talibani so uspeli zato, ker so dobivali pomoč ene velesile, da so nagnali drugo velesilo.
Potem so pa nagnali tudi njih.
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7. okt 2013
Še manj.
V Afganistanu je bilo na začetku talibanov samo ca. 50.000 in so si z brutalnim terorjem uspeli podrediti 30+ milijonsko državo.
Ko se začnejo sekati glave in ženske polivati s kislino se narod hitro upogne... :zavijazocmi:
In ostali so bli kristjani in ateisti? Vrhunska primerjava z Evropo. Kar pa seveda ne zmanjšuje resnosti misli mladca na posnetku. Par nemških skinov okol njega, pa bi bil krotek kot ovčka.


YUGOslovanski mehanik Dmitri Mendeleev
23. jul 2008
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6. sep 2007
Afganistancu je bilo preprečeno bogatenje angleške kulture in družbe:

Commuter who stepped in to headbutt man 'threatening to stab people' on a packed train is revealed as an off-duty policeman​

(video na voljo preko spodaj nalepljenih linkov)

The suited man, who works for the Metropolitan Police, can be seen striking the bearded man on the c2c service between West Ham and Barking in East London.
The man was allegedly harassing other passengers the train and commuters cheered and praised the suited man for protecting them. The bearded man was restrained before police took him off at Upminster station in Essex, where he was arrested on suspicion of carrying a knife and theft by finding.

Del Scott-Lewis, a passenger in his 40s from Ockenden, told MailOnline he was involved in trying to stop the bearded man from attacking anyone on the train:
'I'm looking round over my left shoulder, facing a girl sitting down. He's mumbling on about 'I'm from f***ing Afghanistan'.
'Then an old workman behind him has got up and said to this guy 'leave her alone'. Then the guy punched him five or six times. I saw him fall backwards.
'I turned round and shouted out: 'let's get him off at the next stop'. When I got to him I grabbed hold of his right arm and marched him to the centre of the train.
'When I got him against the door, this bloke who did the headbutting grabs hold of his left arm. He started struggling. The heatbutt was needed, desperately needed.
'When against the wall, he started saying 'I'll kill you, I'm from Afghanistan, I'll kill you, I'll stab you'. I was on the phone to 999 and saying 'we need urgent help'.
'I put the phone down and went to restrain the guy. Before the headbutt comes, he was talking about killing me. Then the word 'stab' came up.
'We saw no knife, but he made the threat to stab us. When he made the threat, no one had a baton - so we headbutted him.