Evo ti nove lepote multikulti družbe oz. (ne)tolerantnost muslimanov do drugačnih oz. do pedrov, lezbijk, ipd.
Pa se je začelo tisto, na kar smo nekateri spet opozarjali že več let, da so nekatere skupine nekompatibilne in da bo med njimi kljub momentalnemu sodelovanju proti desnici prej ali slej počilo. Tokrat so v šoli v skladu z novodobnimi idiotizmi želeli poučevati o LGBT zadevah a se je to muslimanom zdelo neprimerno, sledili so protesti ter sprememba učnega načrta. Nova zmaga za muslimane torej
Dogodek št.1
School defends LGBT lessons after religious parents complain
The assistant headteacher of a school teaching children about homosexuality as part of a special programme has defended its decision after 400 predominantly Muslim parents signed a petition for the subject to be dropped from the curriculum.
Petition signed by 400 parents calls for No Outsiders scheme to be dropped from curriculum
Dogodek št.2
Birmingham school stops LGBT lessons after parents protest
A primary school that taught pupils about homosexuality as part of a programme to challenge homophobia has stopped the lessons after hundreds of children were withdrawn by parents in protest.
Hundreds of children withdrawn from Parkfield community school for day
Dogodek št.3
Birmingham primary school to resume modified LGBT lessons
A primary school in Birmingham that suspended lessons about LGBT equality following protests by parents is to resume a modified version of the programme in September. Parents of pupils at Parkfield community school in Saltley staged weekly protests over the relationship lessons, which they claimed promoted gay and transgender lifestyles. In March, hundreds of mainly Muslim children, aged between four and 11, were withdrawn from the school for the day.
Parkfield says new equality programme respects concerns of protesting parents